2 Great Kettlebells Training Exercises

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Aaron McCloud

There are a variety of kettlebells training exercises you can do to get stronger and increase your endurance. Kettlebells are great training tools and easy to learn how to use.

The exercises below are just a few to start you off. But seriously, they are all great – I still do swings regularly just because they’re so good for my legs.

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is probably the most basic kettlebell exercise. And the easiest to start with.Take your kettlebell, set in on the ground, and then stand over it, with a foot on either side. Your feet should be at shoulder width, pointed slightly outward.

Crouch down and pick up the kettlebell with both hands, so that it’s hanging between your legs. Then just bend your knees, crouch down, and stand up while explosively thrusting your hips forward.

This will swing the kettlebell flying up to chest altitude. Then it will fall back down in an arc, and you bend your knees to go with it back between your legs. And stand up explosively again. And again.

This is a great exercise for leg endurance. Check out the link below for pictures of how to do this exercise.

Kettlebell Press

The press is a basic one of the kettlebells training exercises, but a good one. Also, it’s upper body centered to compliment the swing’s lower-body-centered-ness.

Pick up the kettlebell with one arm. Lift your arm up, fist upward and forearm against your body, till your fist is up against your torso and right next to your chin. Then, using your shoulder, press the kettlebell upward above your head – like a military press (or shoulder press). Then lower it down slowly.

If you have two kettlebells you can do both arms at the same time, but be careful; it’s tricky. Otherwise, make sure that you work both arms equally to, well, stay balanced and strong in both arms.

These are just two basic kettlebells training exercises. If you want more kettlebells exercise or training info, or photos to show how to do these exercises, check out the links below.

I’m Aaron McCloud and I run Complete Strength Training, a site devoted to providing high quality information about strength training. To get more info about kettlebells exercise, photos of exercises, or workout routines check out this page on kettlebell workouts and exercise. I’ve been lifting heavy things and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while, so there’s a lot of info about how to get stronger, more powerful, and more ripped. – Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

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