2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Frank Marconi

2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Ultimate ab training continues with this weeks installment of the world’s best ab exercises designed to help you progress your quest to conquer the elusive 6 pack abs workout challenge and get those lean, ripped, sculpted abs you want!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to the 12 weeks to six pack abs workout series for week 3. Hopefully by now these 10 minute ab routines have become a part of your daily routine and you are doing them on at least 3 or 4 times a week.

It is now time to step it up a notch and try and do these ab routines everyday! If you are having trouble being consistent at doing these workouts, I suggest you pick a time during the day to do them. This means everyday you do the workout at the same time. For best results, I would suggest doing them first thing in the morning. I typically do this and its great because its the first thing I do when I get up. It relaxes me and lets me think about what I need to do during the day and then sets my mind at ease as I know I have done something healthy for my body! So again, I encourage you to pick a time during the day that you are going to dedicate and set aside for yourself so that you can consistently get these workouts in. Remember, it only takes 10 minutes to complete, its going to make you feel great and its going to get you those results that you are looking for! Those results are what is going to keep you motivated to continue so get that motivation and determination and do it! Trust me, you will be happy you did at the end of these 12 weeks! Now lets get right into those ab exercises!

12 Week To Six Pack Abs Workout Series – Week 3

Exercise 1: Plate 8’s

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 8 Reps per Set

Exercise 2: Recliner Press Crunch

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 To 15 Reps Per Set

Exercise 3: Side Plank Rotations

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Reps per Side per Set

Exercise 4: Physioball Rollouts

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & as Many Reps as You Can

Exercise 5: Physioball Skier Tuck

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Tucks per Side per Set

Once you have finished your sets, don’t forget to drink as much water as you can. As mentioned in last week’s article, the more water you drink the better. Try to aim for between 80 to 100 ounces a day (2.5 to 3 liters). Also, hopefully you are focusing on lowering your fat intake too.

Don’t forget to do the exercises presented above with as few breaks as possible. Once you have completed the exercises, repeat the circuit again. Training in this fashion is called circuit training and will help you build your abdonminal strength and your muscular endurance and get you that healthy, lean, athletic and muscular look.

Circuit training workouts are great ways to get your body into ultimate shape but you need to be organized when you do it and it needs to have variety and you need to ensure you are switching it up on a regular basis. The reason for this is because your body adapts quickly to workouts and the best way to continually achieve results is to ensure your body is continually in a state of shock. Therefore you should strive to organize yourself and ensure your training is organized over several months with a nutritional plan to follow as well. Get a ripped, lean, athletic body is not rocket science. You just need discipline, commitment and a great circuit training workout and nutritional plan.

For a free video demonstration of the exercises presented above, please follow the link: Get Ripped Abs Workouts

For information on the ultimate circuit training workout and nutritional program, packed with over 60 workouts to help you burn fat, build muscle, get ripped and get you in the best shape of your life, please follow the link: Ultimate Workout & Nutritional Program

About the Author

Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Frank Marconi

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Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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