3 Best Workout Routine to Build Muscle

October 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Balu Muscle

3 Best Workout Routine to Build Muscle – Health

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In this article, we will discuss the 3 best workout routine to build muscle and why they are the preferred choice of many bodybuilders and people on fitness magazines with ripped bodies. To say they are the best workouts to build muscle is kind of an exaggeration, as there are countless best workout routine to build muscle, it depends on how you define it.

What is meant by the 3 best workout routine to build muscle in this article are some foundation exercises that targets various muscle groups at once and works on building your core muscles. The 3 best workout routine to build muscle that we will discuss are the bench press, dead lift and squat.

The 3 best routines for muscle building

The bench press will be on the list of the best routines for most people and that is because it targets the upper body area, specifically the chest, the shoulders and your triceps. And you are almost guaranteed that the bench press, can be found in just about all the gyms around the world.

The dead lift exercise, also considered to be among the best routines for muscle building, targets your whole back area, your biceps, and neck. This is a great exercise to work on your frame, which a lot of people forget to work on. But this exercise is only among the best workout routines if you perform it the right way.

Many inexperienced people have suffered severe back injuries because they don’t have a clue about how to perform this best workouts for muscle building. A good tip for starters is to start out gradually with easy weights and make sure to either have a muscle building program describing how to perform the dead lift or ask a trainer in your gym.

The last one on the list is the squat. This exercise works on your below-waist area, specifically on your gluteus maximus (your butt), your thighs and hips just to name a few.

A lot of people prefer this exercise as their best workout routine to build muscle, instead of machines. The squat can also be performed as a Smith squat where the barbell is supported on the sides and is a good way for beginners to start with the squat as their best workout to build muscle.

What to know about the best workout routine to build muscle

What is common for the 3 best workout routine to build muscle is the need to perform them right. Getting injuries with these exercises can be very frustrating and they are also the most frequent injury gainers. But performed correctly, they have great benefits and will help you tremendously in your muscle building journey.

Don’t underestimate acquiring the right techniques on how to perform the 3 best workout routine to build muscle, or with any routines. Seek professional advice, either through some muscle building program or some expert trainers.

About the Author

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a reality….


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