3 Helpful Tips for Running and Jogging

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jason Bloom

The list of benefits from jogging (or running if you like) is long and very impressive to say the least. While some places are more conducive to enjoyment, it doesn’t matter because running is something that can be done anywhere and on almost any surface. In this article, we’ll be looking at some important principles to keep in mind when running.

It is extremely important for joggers and runners to pay special attention to their footwear. Make sure you are wearing thick athletic style socks, as well. You risk a variety of problems if you don’t wear a good pair of running shoes because of the impact running puts on the feet and ankles. Ideal running shoes will fit your feet well and are comfortable to wear, and will need to be replaced as soon as they start to wear out. To find the best ones for you, you may need to try several brands and styles. You are at higher risk for sprains and knee injuries, not to mention blisters, if your shoes don’t fit right or are in poor condition. To take care of your feet, you have to pay attention to your shoes, which is the only real expense to running. If you want to start jogging and you haven’t exercised for a long time, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor first. This is critical for those with health problems or who are overweight. Based on your medical history, your doctor may have advice for how you should proceed. One advantage to jogging is that it can accommodate all fitness levels, as you can start off slowly for short distances, so in all likelihood your doctor will encourage you to jog. It’s still a good idea to consult with him or her, however, in case there are any special precautions you should take.

You are probably running or jogging to become fitter, and weight loss is probably on your mind, too. If you want to get the maximum benefits from your jogging, you must keep an eye on the calories you consume. Eating the right types of foods will not only help with quicker weight loss, but they will give you the boost of energy you need when you’re jogging. When you include more natural foods in your diet, you will find that you don’t feel sluggish like you do when you eat bad foods. Watching your calorie intake, and keeping away from sweet foods and fast food, you will give your body exactly what it needs to get through your jog. This will help you feel healthier and you’ll lose those pesky pounds that have plagued you for so long.

It really doesn’t matter when you start doing it, just be sure it’s safe for you to do, though. Many runners report that they really do look forward to that runner’s high they get. Be sure to follow proper procedures so your muscles and bones stay healthy and strong.

Jason is a keen hot tub owners and Spa Pumps repair man.

If you are looking to shed weight and get in shape, check out the Fitness Freaks and my other blog over at


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