3 simple and effective Tricep Exercises For Women

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by John Adam

Today, there is a lot of health awareness among women which was lacking a few years ago. Women have come out of their cocoon, shedding out reservations and are trying to sturdy themselves by way of regular exercises.

Exercises reminds the fact that many of the women, though aware about the need to keep healthy and exercise regularly what they are not aware of is the fact that the arms too have a greater role to play in the beauty race. Though we do many general exercises they have little impact on the arms and the muscles are under toned which can gradually start loosing its elasticity and begins to droop pathetically. To avoid this, one needs to take up special arms exercises.

Be informed that arm is a broader word used and involves multiple muscles with a single connecting point. Based on this, we can categorize the arms portion into three parts namely the Biceps, Triceps and the Shoulder. While biceps have two muscles joined together, the triceps and shoulders have 3 muscles each connected to a single point and each of them needs to be exercised, either solely or in combination.

The Tricep Exercises For Women aren’t much difficult and yet they give out good muscle toning but it is for you to choose the right one that suits you best. There are some such very good Tricep Exercises For Women that can be done easily even at the comforts of your home and doesn’t require much of an investment on expensive exercise equipments.

Lower Dumbbell Tricep Exercises – This is a simple yet effective exercise to tone not only your triceps but the shoulders too. Sit or stand holding a dumbbell above your head. Slowly come down to the back of your head, hold for a couple of minutes and then go back to the start position.

Upper Dumbbell Tricep Exercises – This again is an effective Tricep Exercises For Women. Get seated comfortably on a chair and place your arms on the table and elbows placed on a soft padding. Take the dumbbell and start lifting it towards your shoulders, keep on to the position when close to the shoulders, for a few seconds and then come back down. While doing so ensure that your back is steady and your body doesn’t move along thereby putting that needed force on the triceps.

Push Ups – These are excellent ones for toning up not only the bicep muscles but also various other parts of the body like the chest and the back. While doing these push ups you need to ensure that you are keeping your hands closer and the elbows on the sides to get the maximum benefit.

Though it is not necessary that Tricep Exercises For Women need to be done only at gyms but it would be preferred to be done at gyms as you get a professional trainer who would supervise you well and can help you in doing the right exercises in the right manner.

More information on the same can be viewed on the following site: Tricep Exercises For Women.

www.LiftingRevolution.com – Grab your free lose stomach fat report here. In this video, you are going to learn some great exercises to shape up your triceps and arms. These are very easy to do and you don’t need much equipment either.

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