3 Simple Tips about Diets for Building Muscle

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Balu Muscle

3 Simple Tips about Diets for Building Muscle – Health

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You have probably heard the saying that your time spend in the gym is 20% and your nutrition is 80%, but knowing what diets for building muscle is the right one demands that you follow some guidelines.

In this article I won’t talk about what diets for building muscle you should pick, but rather I will talk about some important guidelines and rules, if followed, making your own diets for muscle building will be a breeze.

What to know about diets for building muscle

-<u>Tip #1 in diets for building muscle:</u>

Your diets for muscle building must include a good amount of proteins. Proteins is food for your muscles and like we human beings need food to survive, your muscles also need protein to grow.

A good rule of thumb is to have 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight (New research shows that even 0.5-1 grams of protein in your diets for building muscle can also work).

Foods with protein in diets for muscle building can be: Fish, Chicken, Meat, Egg, Mixed nuts, cheese and beans just to name a few.

-<u>Tip #2 in diets for building muscle:</u>

Food timing is a very overlooked factor, but every bodybuilder or instructors can tell you how imperative this tip is. The first thing you need to know about food timing in your diet for muscle building is that you should not let more than 3 hours pass between your meals. Eating on a regular basis will keep your body in an anabolic state, which is how you build mass.

The second fact about food timing in diets for building muscle is what you digest at what time. You need to eat less carbs later in the evening and before you sleep. This tip in diets for building muscle is also of great importance, as you don’t burn a lot of energy when you sleep.

And the energy you don’t burn will be turned into fat. That is why eating carbs earlier in the day in your muscle building diet is preferred because of your body movement throughout the day and body movement equals use of energy.

Power of simple adjustments in diets for building muscle

-<u>Tip #3 in diets for building muscle</u>:

In your diets for building muscle plan, you need to include a protein shake right after your workout. This is because you muscles eat a lot of vital nutrients and proteins while you are working out and it needs protein in its recovery process, which is after you have been working out.

Your protein shake should also include some carbs, as your muscles need tools to repair themselves with and including carbs in your post workout shake in diets for muscle building will transport the protein a lot faster to your muscles.

These simple 3 tips, if included in your diets for building muscle, will make a tremendous change in getting closer to your dream physique.

About the Author

Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a Reality….


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