3 Ways That Circuit-Training Exercises Reduce Fat Loss

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Robert Davis

3 Ways That Circuit-Training Exercises Reduce Fat Loss – Health – Fitness

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According to a new study done on fat loss, it was found that the traditional cardio exercises did not burn fat as effectively as circuit training exercises which is based on using a person’s own body weight. Those of you who check out any particular gym and witness the work of a personal trainer, you can notice that they will get results out of their clients using these exercises at the gym.

So if you need more convincing here are 3 reasons why you should be using exercises in your fat loss program.

1. You will obtain a cardio workout benefit from circuit training exercises. Particularly in the case of circuits, you are not allowing yourself time to recover if you use your body weight and just head from exercise to exercise. Also if you design a routine to that works all the muscles in the body then this is going to consume a lot of energy as well. When you design a regimen that involves every muscle you possess, you will burn a lot of calories and come out with an intense workout. Within weeks, your training will have dramatically improved your energy and level of fitness.

2. Circuit Training Exercises will greatly increase your metabolic rate for a greater period of time.

It is a well known fact that the process of circuit training burns up a great amount of calories each time. What’s more, you can boost your metabolism with the help of this type of exercise, due to the combination of high intensity interval and strength training that is provided with this training – you gain a better ‘afterburn,’ which is when you are burning calories after the exercise. Therefore your body is burning more fat when you are at rest post workout.

3. The results of circuit training exercises is a great looking body.

As circuit-training exercises use some form of resistance in the shape of traditional weights or your body weight then you will be building and toning your muscles every workout. You will start to look better as well, giving you an added benefit to these exercises besides just getting healthier and being more in shape. Having a tighter more defined body is definitely more attractive then the softer and less toned where the muscles have been broken down too much from excessive cardio. With the help of circuit training exercises, you can improve your coordination and strength, and you will become more agile and balanced, given that the program involves a lot of different exercises and routines that assist you.

Circuit training exercises, it is clear, is a great program for me. They can be done anywhere, make your workouts more interesting and fun and more importantly deliver results.

About the Author

I am a passionate fitness expert who is specialized in weight loss. I show my clients via proper eating habits and exercising how to lose 20 pounds if not more if required.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Robert Davis

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I am a passionate fitness expert who is specialized in weight loss. I show my clients via proper eating habits and exercising how to lose 20 pounds if not more if required.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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