30 Day Slim Down Package Affiliates Review

June 23, 2012 by  
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30 Day Slim Down Package Affiliates Review – Health

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Slim Down Package-30 Days To A Slimmer Body And The 5 Tools To Transform Your Body Forever!ShareSummer is approaching and like millions of Americans we may have a few pounds hanging around from the winter-or longer-that we would love to kiss goodbye!I want to help you shed a bit of excess fat in one month-in a healthy,natural way-AND help you get into a healthy lifestyle so those pounds donâEUR(TM)t come back!This plan can help you reach your health goals permanently-this is how I lost over 100 pounds and keep it off!

This package can help you release on average 8-20 pounds* in one month then give you the necessary tools to continue on a healthy lifestyle forever!


-5 Day “Kick Your Cravings and Healthify Your Body” Meal Plan

5 days of clean,pure,delicious food.Free of dairy,gluten,processed foods and animal protein.This portion of the plan will help detoxify you body,refresh your system and stabilize your blood sugar for 5 days straight.You will get everything you need to set yourself up for these fantastic 5 days:grocery lists,plan,recipes and instructions on how to take 1 hour to prepare all of your food for the first 5 days.Then you enjoy!You will be eating every 3 hours,enjoying healthy vegetables,fruits,nuts,seeds,healthy fats and gluten free grains and legumes.More information on this product here.Depending on the amount you eat,size or your body,activity level,you may have some portions of the meals leftover-simply freeze and have lunches and snacks ready to go for the rest of the month!-Mesa de Vidas Metabolic Meal Plan

After a 1 day break after the first meal plan,you get to start this awesome 5 day plan!This plan was developed with top Seattle trainers to help kick your metabolism into high gear!This menu adds back in lean protein and proven metabolism boosting foods.Like the first plan you will be eating every 3 hours and adding in some spicy (not too hot) foods to really get some fat burning happening-naturally!Also like the first plan you get everything you need-grocery list,meal plan,easy (exciting,inspired) recipes that take just a few minutes in the kitchen each day to prepare!More information on this product here.-4 weeks of Menus by Mesa de Vida-Weekly dinner menu plans

This is where you start incorporating regular meals into your life and I help make it easy!You will get a weeknight dinner menu emailed to you every Friday morning.These menus are gluten free,low glycemic with easy to follow recipes that are inspired and delicious.You get your grocery list,go shopping and have everything you need for the week.Add in the ideas for healthy snack items and breakfasts youâEUR(TM)ve been enjoying the previous two weeks and you are set every week!The recipes are written for 4-6 servings so this is perfect for a family.If you are a couple or just cooking for yourself you can do this plan and have the leftovers for easy lunches every day,or freeze the leftover portions for the following week,then take the next week off and enjoy your pre-made meals!Every week you will be growing your collection of delicious,easy to prepare recipes that you can access again and again!More information on this product here.-Your downloadable copy of “Lifestyle Transformation with Chef Kirsten-6 Proven Steps To Transform Your Body Forever”

This is the book that includes my program that transformed my life forever.This gives you all of the tools you need to live a healthier life,shed excess fat and transform your body forever!No more dieting.No more calorie counting.Learn everything you need to know to reduce your risk of diet related disease and live a long,healthy,vibrant life.More information on this product here.-BONUS!Mesa de VidaâEUR(TM)s Healthy Summer Entertaining menu and recipes!

This is a healthy summer entertaining menu I developed for the Socially Savvy broadcast!It is an easy,delicious menu with recipes and wine pairing suggestions from Apex at Alder Ridge Winery.You will receive your copy as a bonus!Following this plan you WILL be slimmer in one month-but more important you will have learned what you need to keep up this healthy lifestyle forever!This isnâEUR(TM)t a get slim quick program-this will help you take off pounds in a healthy way-as well as get you living a healthier life-forever!No more dieting!

Here is your plan:

The day before you start:Go shopping for the ingredients for your first 5 day plan,watch the instruction video and take 1 hour to prepare and package everything you will need for the first 5 days.Throughout the program:Read my ebook “Lifestyle Transformation with Chef Kirsten” and begin learning about nutrition,how to eat without counting calories,planning your meals,movement,and how to change your mindset for permanent weight loss and a healthy,vibrant life.Throughout the program:Move your body 5 days per week.Whatever fits into your lifestyle.Leisurely walks,hitting the gym,a crossfit studio,a boot camp membership,10 minutes of stretching on the floor-just do something.More information on this is also in the ebook.Days 1-5:Do the 5-Day “Kick Your Cravings and Healthify Your Body” meal plan.Yum!You are going to feel great this week!Day 6:Take the day off and enjoy healthy meals,eat what you would like (in moderation),enjoy a glass of wine if you wish.Repeat your affirmations (in the ebook) and get your mindset positive and ready to take on the next exciting 5 days!Take a few minutes to go shopping for everything you will need for the next 5 days.Days 7-12:Enjoy the “Mesa de Vida Metabolism Meal Plan”.You will be loving this exciting plan and enjoying delicious food-with energy to spare!Day 13:Take the day off and enjoy healthy meals,eat what you would like (in moderation),enjoy a glass of wine if you wish and celebrate your success to this point!You will likely have lost between 5-15 pounds,reduced belly bloat,be feeling stronger and have so much more energy!Repeat your affirmations (in the ebook) and get your positive mindset on for the upcoming weeks!Take a few minutes to go shopping for everything you will need for the next week.You will have learned about menu planning (in the ebook) and have learned many great healthy breakfast,lunch and snack options from the previous two weeks,as well as in the ebook.You can add these items into your ready-to-go grocery list included in the Menus by Mesa de Vida week you choose to follow.DonâEUR(TM)t forget-you will likely have some leftover portions of meals frozen and waiting for you to enjoy for the week!Days 14-forever!:Enjoy your healthy meals using the Menus by Mesa de Vida menu plans.Add in your healthy breakfast/snack/lunches using the knowledge you have gained from reading my ebook.Continue to make healthy choices and if it makes it easier,simply use the breakfast and snack choices from the two 5-day meal plans you have already enjoyed!Enjoy a glass of wine from time to time if you wish.Eat in moderation and enjoy your food!Continue your positive mindset and affirmations from here on out.You have changed your life-continue on with your new healthy lifestyle and live the life of your dreams!Celebrate by having some friends over and enjoying your Healthy Summer Entertaining menu!Purchased separately these products are worth over $ 74……Put them all to work together-for only $ 50!View a sample of the menus you will be enjoying and the groceries from this plan here.Questions?Need substitutions due to allergies?Please contact me!Email Chef Kirsten at mesadevida@live.comPurchase now and you will receive your link to download immediately!

This is me,before and after learning the tools I share with you in this program!

Once you purchase you will be taken to a link to download your products.Be aware some pop-up software blocks this action.Email mesadevida@live.com if you do not receive your link immediately.

(*The recipes in this entire plan are gluten free.)

(*Results will vary-average weight loss for others who have done this plan is 12 pounds.)

(*This plan includes nuts/seeds/dairy (limited amounts you may leave out)/tomato products/other allergens.Email me if you have any questions.)

Problems?Questions?Reach Chef Kirsten at mesadevida@live.com


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I thought I’d take you guys along for the ride on my first day on the 7 Day Slim Down. I did not follow the plan exactly how the Tone It Up girls describe to in the TIU Diet Plan, but I pretty much stuck to the main gist of things and it went great! Here are some useful links: Tone It Up – toneitup.com My “What is Tone It Up?” video – www.youtube.com My “7 Day Slim Down Introduction” video – www.youtube.com TIU Best Circuit Workout – www.youtube.com TIU Beach Ball Workout – www.youtube.com TIU Beach Bum Workout video – www.youtube.com TIU Itty Bitty Bikini Workout video – www.youtube.com *DISCLAIMER – I was not sponsored or asked to film this video. I purchased the Tone It Up Diet Plan myself. You must purchase the TIU Diet Plan to get full details & access to the 7 Day Slim Down”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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