4 Essential Exercise Tips for Weight Loss

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Linda Bruton

4 Essential Exercise Tips for Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Facts are facts. If you are trying to lose weight, it is essential to include exercise in your weight loss plan. Moderate exercise will help to minimize the effect that dieting has on your body. With most diets, you will often reach a weight loss plateau during the first few weeks. This is the result of your body adjusting to the decrease in the number of calories you are consuming. Here are some simple exercise tips for weight loss that will help you continue to lose weight from your diet plan.

1. Set up a Realistic Exercise Plan

Don’t just get out of bed one morning and decide that you need to start running. What you actually need to do is sit down and set up a realistic plan that will work for you. You should first think about what kind of physical condition you are already in. If you haven’t exercised in a long time, you can’t start out with 5 mile runs and expect to make it through the first day!

You should also think about what kind of exercise you like and what is most practical for you. If you have to drive 20 miles to get to the nearest gym, you probably won’t keep doing that day after day for a long period of time. Walking is a great exercise because it doesn’t require any special equipment, and you can do it in most parts of the country most of the year.

2. Set up an Exercise Diary

Use your diary to set down your plan and then keep track of your daily activities. If you’ve decided to try walking, for instance, keep track of your time and distance every day. You can also set goals for yourself and set down the details. Seeing your actual activity on paper can also serve to keep you motivated and pushing yourself to do more.

3. Build Yourself up Gradually

Don’t try to start out with a long and strenuous workout on the first day – especially if you haven’t exercised in a long time. Doing so could be hazardous to your health, as well as being very discouraging. When you’re not used to it, strenuous exercise can make you very sore. You’re also more prone to muscle pulls. You might want to limit yourself to 15 minutes a day 3 or 4 times a week to start with. Then gradually increase your time and the level of intensity. Work up to 30 minutes a day 5 times a week and you should see great results!

4. Do What You Enjoy

It is vital that any exercise you do for weight loss is something that you enjoy doing. You will be much more inclined to stick to it long term, which will do you the most good. Also change your exercise routine every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure that you are able to provide yourself with a workout which is effective. You should include in exercise routines that you carry out cardiovascular and strength training Be sure to also include stretching exercises to keep your body more flexible and less prone to injury.

Hopefully these exercise tips for weight loss will soon have you on the way to achieving your goal of losing those excess pounds and keeping them off for good. The best weight loss tip I can give you is to include exercise in your diet plan.

About the Author

Are you looking for a teen weight loss plan? Be sure to read my article on a home weight loss program that will work for anyone.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Linda Bruton

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Are you looking for a teen weight loss plan? Be sure to read my article on a home weight loss program that will work for anyone.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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