7 Tips for Healthy Living

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Naturalhealth12

7 Tips for Healthy Living – Health – Fitness

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Sometimes it can be hard to know what the best thing is to do for your health. Our naturopath Katherine shares her top 10 tips for healthy living. 1. Chew your food Your mouth is the first part of your digestive system, containing enzymes which begin the process of breaking down carbohydrates. By chewing food thoroughly you are aiding the digestive process, as particles will be smaller and easier to digest once they reach the stomach. 2. Keep your fluids up Aim to drink 2 liters (8 glasses) of purified or spring water each day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, moodiness and even constipation! 3. Cut back on the refined carbohydrates Yes, this includes our old friend sugar. Sugar and other simple carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, white rice, biscuits, cakes and of course chocolate and lollies, cause a fast rise in blood sugar levels, with a resultant drop shortly following. This means that the energy gained from these foods is quick and short lived, whereas complex carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, rye, brown rice, oats and spelt give you slow and sustained energy release, as well as making you feel fuller longer. 4. Balance your blood sugar levels An imbalance in blood sugar levels can lead to foggy headedness, headache, fatigue, irritability and sugar cravings. Using complex instead of simple carbohydrates as outlined above will have a beneficial effect on your blood sugar levels. Other dietary factors which regulate blood sugar levels include eating protein with every meal and eating smaller meals more frequently. Avoid skipping meals as this leads to low blood sugar levels and can slow down metabolism. 5. Include plenty of roughage Low fiber intake has been associated with bowel and colon cancer as well as other digestive diseases. Fiber has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels, gives us stool bulk to prevent constipation and increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system. Fiber is found in fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. If your diet is based around these foods you can be sure you are getting adequate amounts of fiber. 6. De-stress and think positively Stress contributes to a number of health issues affecting the nervous and digestive systems, lowering immunity and causing hormonal imbalance. Removing stress from our lives is rarely an option however there are ways to help cope with stress more effectively, which will reduce its negative effects in the body. Eating a balanced diet with adequate protein and regulating blood sugar levels as described above will help your body deal with stress more effectively. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, exercise, meditation and calming self talk can help to deal with stress. If you have a significant amount of stress in your life seeing a counselor, massage therapist, naturopathy Brisbane or acupuncture Brisbane may help you to deal with it more effectively. 7. It’s all about you Having the time to do something that you enjoy or that relaxes you is an integral part of achieving wellbeing. You might have a hobby such as painting, playing an instrument or sewing, or you may enjoy simply reading a book or relaxing in a hot bath. Think of what makes you happy and make sure that you find the time to indulge yourself in these activities. The result will be greater personal satisfaction and lower stress levels.

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Acupuncture Brisbane helps to promote the flow of QI and balance energies within the body.

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Acupuncture Brisbane helps to promote the flow of QI and balance energies within the body.

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