7 Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast And Slash Your Body Fat

September 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jason Oh

7 Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast And Slash Your Body Fat – Health – Weight Loss

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The best ways to boost metabolism is to get the right nutrition to fuel your body, feed the muscle – and use ‘Total Body’ workouts to burn the fat and turbo charge your metabolism.

Fact is, if you don’t eat in a healthy manner, your body will not respond to the way it needs to burn the body fat, and function. Good nutrition is the key to kick starting your metabolism and allowing the body to burn fat and develop strength.

Your well-being is the key to a healthier body, so focus on yourself and let the results take care of itself. Below are some tips to boost your metabolism now-

Ways To Boost Metabolism Fast

1. Never skip breakfast and try to get healthy carbs to power up your body before 2 pm – and lighten up on your energy meals towards the end of the day. For dinner go for lean meat and leafy vegetables.

2.Downsize your treats – make treats miniature, instead of giving them up altogether. Instead of trying to live without dessert, choose smaller portions – like 1 piece of an apple crumble baked pie or a small bar of chocolate. Get your sugar hit without dangerous left overs.

3. Fiber fitness – because men eat less salad than women they are more likely to suffer constipation. Simple remedies are adding bran to your breakfast cereal, drinking more water, bulking up those lunch time with wholemeal sandwiches that includes salad and ensuring you include a range of veggies on your dinner plate. apart from cutting your bathroom time, fiber is filling and lessens the cravings. Reduce the cravings, you will reduce the belly fat. As always try to get your 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of veggies a day.

4. Strength training – bigger muscles create a smaller body. Muscle burns calories so you can actually eat more food without gaining weight, and strength training is the only way to do this. you need to lift weights or use other equipment that forces you to work your muscles against resistance so that they work harder than they’re used to. You don’t have to spend hours working out to increase muscle mass – 30 minutes 3 times a week will do it. If visiting a gym is an issue, try body weight exercises like the push ups, the plank and lunges with little rest in between – it’s a great way to measure and improve your strength.

5. Boring cardios, stay away! For beginners, any exercise is great – but the best way to slash your body fat is to look at High Variable Interval training and challenging resistance training. Studies have shown that a combination high variable training will boost your metabolism during and after a workout!

6.As your fitness improves, your body becomes more efficient, meaning you expend less energy in a 30 minute run than when you first started. So you’ve got to shake things up a bit. Play with intensity of what you’re doing, and if you can, change your routine. For example, if you walk regularly, try breaking it up with spurts of jogging, or add hills and stairs to your daily walk. Switching intensity will challenge you more than just staying at the same pace. As well as increasing your likelihood of losing weight, you’re most likely to stay motivated if you participate in a range of activities. So, instead of running four times a week, why not cycle, do some laps at your local pool or play a game of tennis!

7. Try to cut out or reduce the sugary drinks including the diet kinds. Those sugar fixes are not great for the body. Instead, just stick to calorie free water, green tea and low fat smoothies.

The above tips are just of the ways to boost metabolism fast, and are highly recommended to help you change the way you eat and train. For other efficient ways to boost metabolism and burn off body fat, Visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs And get a FREE ebook on ‘Training & Nutrition: Insider Secrets For a Lean Body”.

About the Author

For More Ways to Boost Metabolism Fast, Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast for Less Than 5 Bucks!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Jason Oh

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For More Ways to Boost Metabolism Fast, Visit The Truth About 6 Pack Abs And Discover How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast for Less Than 5 Bucks!

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