8 Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat
July 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Caizechong
8 Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat – Health – Weight Loss
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Fat that accumulates in the abdominal region is referred as love handles or belly fat. Call them by any name, they are troublesome and awful. So, how to lose tummy fat? Unfortunately, spot reduction is impossible. Luckily for those looking to lose belly fat, however, the abdomen is one of the first areas where many people lose weight. With dedication, you too can eventually shed away the pounds and have a flatter, firmer stomach.
1. Consuming 5-6 small meals daily instead of 3 square meals can keep you fit and trim (400 calories every 3 hours or so through out the day). Eating this way helps prevent your blood sugar from crashing and keeps you satisfied. Since you won’t be starving, you will be able to make smarter food choices and stick to your diet! Lastly, if you’re not too sure of the calorie count – why not stick to portion control – ONE small plate serve only per meal.
2. Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses per day, to keep your body properly hydrated. Drinking enough water aids in the body’s elimination of waste, which can help with weight loss over time.
3. Cut out evening carbs. You will notice a quick drop in belly fat after just 1 to 2 weeks of eliminating carbohydrates after lunch time. When you do this your body can not use carbs for energy in the evenings and must become good at burning the alternative – FAT.
4. Watch what you eat – Start a journal and record what you eat and drink, when and how much you eat over a period of 2 weeks. This is important because you need to see where your weak areas are. Most likely you will see a pattern emerging. Once you’ve reviewed your journal, decrease your intake by cutting out or reducing all unnecessary unhealthy calories. You will be amazed how much you really can cut out. Most likely, you will have to reduce the snacks, take outs and sugary drinks like soda drinks – remember, diet soda includes sodium, which is not healthy. If you can’t eliminate soda, decrease the amount you drink and replace those fluids with water or green tea.
6. Work exercise into your daily routine to help burn fat. Start a gym membership, if you can afford one. If not, try running or jogging and consider doing body-weight exercises like crunches, push-ups and pull-ups. Start slowly, and gradually increase your work-outs over time to keep them challenging and effective. If you have any health issues, consult with your doctor before beginning to exercise.
7. Avoid fatigue. When your body is low on energy it is not going to take energy to burn fat. Give your body rest at night and avoid too much stress and you will find that your waistline shrinks.
8. A balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, complimented by high quality protein and fiber will aid in toning the body. Fiber rich fruits such as berries, oranges, strawberries and vegetables such as cantaloupes and carrots contain high levels of antioxidants like Vitamin C which prohibit fat from accumulating in the belly. Lean meat including fish and poultry are rich in protein but low in fat, providing the energy required without adding to the visceral fat. Eating many meals at short intervals through the day will help in increased metabolism and will reduce the urge to eat unhealthy food.
About the Author
Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips.
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Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on how to lose belly fat, weight loss tips.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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