Ultimate Nutrition Amino Gold Capsules, 1000 mg, 250-Count Bottles

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Free form and peptide bond amino acids derived entirely from the 100% natural enzymatic digest of Whey Protein Isolate
  • Ultimate Nutrition

Product Description
Super Whey Formula. Free form and peptide bond amino acids derived entirely from the 100% natural enzymatic digest of Whey Protein Isolate. Each Amino Gold Capsule Contains: 1000 mg of Ultimate Nutrition’s exclusive, specially processed 100% Natural Enzymatic Digest of Whey Protein Isolate. Our true enzymatic digest yields an Amino Nitrogen of 2.5 and Total Nitrogen of 13.2. Enzymatically digested (by food grade enzymes) whey protein isolate increases protein digest… More >>

Ultimate Nutrition Amino Gold Capsules, 1000 mg, 250-Count Bottles

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