Easy Twenty Minute Exercise Routines

June 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Barbee Heiny

Easy Twenty Minute Exercise Routines – Health – Fitness

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You don’t need to go to a gym to exercise when you don’t have the time. There are many exercises that can be done at home, in a hotel, on your break at work, or just about anywhere.

1. Weight training. When you are working the upper body, you need light weights, one to five pounds. The first exercise to do is the bicep curl. The bicep is the double muscle in the front of the upper arm and works to bend the arm forward at the elbow. Front and side dumbbell raises work two of the three parts of the deltoid muscle, of which there are three heads, the front, medial and the rear, comprising the shoulders. Bent dumbbell flys work the rear deltoid. The triceps is the triple muscle on the back of the upper arm and helps you lift the arm straight behind you. To work the chest, butterflies performed with the dumbbells exercise the major and minor portion. Three sets of eight repetitions including two exercises per body part will exercise the total upper body and can be done in twenty minutes.

The same principles can be used for the lower body using heavier weights. The quadriceps muscle on the front thigh has four parts that move while walking. Squats and lunges exercise these muscles. For the hamstrings, the back of the legs, use rear leg curls to isolate for a muscular looking leg. Sitting or standing calf raises shapes the muscle known as the gastrocnemius. Get on the floor to do leg curls holding the weight in the bend of the leg to exercise the gluteus (rear end). Three sets of ten reps per exercise per body part can be done in just twenty minutes.

Both of these weight training sets of exercises can be done almost anywhere as long as you have your weights, working both the upper body and the lower.

2. Outdoor activities. Just stay in your own neighborhood for a nice walk for just twenty minutes. Start slowly to warm up and then move out. Walking works all the muscles of the body and you get great exercise. Try to avoid uneven terrain as you could cause injuries to your ankles or your knees.

3. Dance. Got a CD player? That’s all you need to work the entire body and especially the abdomen. Some of the dances take a strong core just to do them and what great exercise to keep you energized, have fun and get motivated. Create your own CD of favorites and vary the beats for a great twenty minute workout you can do anywhere, have fun, and burn calories.

Even if you can only afford twenty minutes a day there are health benefits from any kind of exercise. Try them and pick the one or two you like and then it will be easier to stick to it. If you don’t like these, find some you do like so you can get in gear and go!

About the Author

Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how:Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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Barbee Heiny

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Would you like to get rid of pain and be healthier YOU? Check here to find out how:Secrets to Ideal Fitness, and many more tips.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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