Bodybuilding Training

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If you are a beginner weight trainer then you really need to start by laying the foundations for some very intensive workouts and get your body to a level where it will be ok to sustain the intensive workout that it will be subjected to. To be a successful bodybuilder you will be bringing together lots of elements such as choosing the right exercises for the right muscle groups, nutrition and rest periods and above all making sure that you do not over do it.

 As a beginner you ideally want to aim at completing two sets of each exercise at a lower weight then you initially think. Find out what you can bench press and then start doing reps around 60% of this weight, ideally doing sets of two comprising of ten to twelve reps each. Once you have done this for a few weeks you can then start to increase the weight as you feel your muscle grow and your strength increase. It is also important during this period to increase your intake of protein and carbohydrates in your diet and you must also take suitable rest periods to let your body recover. It is just as important that you give adequate time for your body to recover as it is to do the initial exercises.

 Doing this as a beginner will maximize your muscle mass and growth and will also give you the belief and impetus to keep going and move up the levels of bodybuilding. Before long you will find that the initial weight you were bench pressing was really quite easy and that you can now bench press a far superior weight. In some cases I have known people to bench press as much as 40% more within just a few months from their initial starting exercises.

Richard has been posting bodybuilding articles for quite some time now and even has a website dedicated to bodybuilding that looks at lots of exercises such as ab workouts for men that work.

IFBB pro bodybuilder Johnnie Jacksons hits biceps and triceps at Stroud’s Fitness in Hurst, TX, one week before the 2010 IFBB Phoenix Pro where he plans to compete. Jackson is also scheduled to compete in the 2010 Arnold Classic – Pro Vivision. See more of Johnnie at MostMuscular.Com and
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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