Quick Fitness Tips

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by mia green

Quick Fitness Tips – Health – Alternative Medicine

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With everything from getting more exercise into your life to working fruits and vegetables into your meals to cutting back on calories without sacrifice, here are the only diet and fitness tips you’ll ever need to stay fit and healthy.

Set some exercise goals: People begin an exercise program for different reasons. Taking some time and validating why you want to begin an exercise program will go a long way toward remaining motivated. You don’t have to make your goals a big deal if you don’t want to.

Burn fat quickly by keeping your diet simple:A lot of people make eating and nutrition way too complicated and are always trying to figure out what to eat for their next meal.The more complicated you make your diet, the more likely that you’ll fall off the wagon and sabotage yourself.

Celebrate Yourself. After you complete any major event such as a 5 K or Walk-a-thon, created a wall of fame for yourself. That’s what I did and I gain so much inspiration from that wall. When I do my indoor cycling at my den, I look at this wall and draw energy.

Walking. There’s no excuse for not being able to complete this exercise on a daily basis. Chances are, you are staying fit without even realizing it – as long as you’re not planted on the couch for the majority of the day.

Spark Of Energy. Adding bursts of speed while doing a 20-30 minutes of workout is better than working out for a continuous 60 minutes according to research in The Journal of Applied Physiology.

Moreover, drink more than 10 glasses of water in day. Water is considered as the perfect and natural calorie burner and it also keeps the digestive system perfect in any condition. You can also drink limewater in early morning that will also help your body maintain its skin and overweight.

Another health fitness tip is, try out many different things to give your body variety. Variety in activity is the best way to keep your body in tip-top shape. When doing different activities, no matter what they are, your body will get to use many different muscles.

Tennis is not only a fun sport, but also a great way to exercise. You do not have to be world class to play; in fact, you do not even need to be good; just running after the ball will help get you in shape.

Start small. Nobody expects you to run 10 miles or bench-press 200lbs on your first day. You need to work up to these things. In fact, if you do too much too quickly you’re likely to either burn out or seriously injure yourself. Walking is good.

Swimming is a great form of exercise for surfers for several reasons. Firstly, it is great for cardio fitness and endurance. Secondly, if you come apart from your surfboard and leg line you will have to be able to swim competently.

Take a Fitness Vacation: Most people gain weight when they go on vacation because they just want to go eat, drink, party and sleep on vacation. But, I’ll challenge you to take a fitness oriented vacation.

About the Author

Read about fast weight loss tips, also read about childhood obesity causes and weight cycling

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

mia green

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Read about fast weight loss tips, also read about childhood obesity causes and weight cycling

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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