Training for 5Ks to Lose Weight

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Kamau Austin

Training for 5Ks to Lose Weight – Health

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If you think long-distance events such as marathons and ultra marathons are the only way to lose weight, you are mistaken. In fact, training for shorter events such as a 5K, equal to 3.1 miles, can actually be quite effective for weight loss. Training for these types of events forces you to focus on high intensity speed work, which can have a tremendously positive effect on your metabolism. This article will discuss how training for 5K races can have an impact on weight loss in a number of ways. We will discuss how speed training can help you not only improve your time but also lose weight, how you can try different types of terrain to promote weight loss and how even planning your competition schedule can have an impact on your weight loss progress. This type of training can help you lose weight but, as with any fitness or weight loss program, you should consult your doctor before embarking on this type of exercise regime. Additionally, you should consult a doctor before you decide to start taking any supplements to aid your weight loss efforts.

Lose Weight While You Improve Your Speed

One of the primary reasons shorter distance events such as 5K races are so effective for weight loss is the amount of speed work often required when training for these events. Marathon training involves starting out with a relatively low amount of mileage and building on that amount each week. However, a race of only 3.1 miles does not require this type of building period. Instead, individuals training for this type of event often focus on interval training to help them improve their overall times. While marathon training promotes weight loss by necessitating increasing amounts of mileage, 5K training focuses on increasing the intensity of workouts and this is an extremely effective way to lose weight. These high intensity workouts are extremely taxing on the muscles and force your body to work harder. When this happens, you enjoy a metabolic boost that can be very beneficial in your weight loss endeavor.

Interval training involves bursts of sprinting interspersed with recovery running at a moderate pace. An example of an effective interval workout may include a five-minute warm up where you are running at a comfortable pace, followed by intervals of sprinting and jogging. If you are new to interval training, you might start out by following your five-minute warm up with one minute of sprinting and two minutes of recovery running. You can repeat this pattern of one-minute sprints, followed by two-minute jogs, several times before cooling down with five minutes of easy running. As you become stronger, you may wish to reverse the pattern by sprinting for two minutes and jogging for one and repeating this pattern several times.

You can also challenge yourself by increasing your speed during the sprints. One way to do this is to do your interval workouts on a track. You can practice by sprinting one quarter mile, which is equal to one lap of the track, then jogging a half of a lap to recover. During this time, you can use a stopwatch to monitor your progress and can strive to improve your quarter mile time during the sprint phases. As your speed improves, you will be working at a higher intensity. This increased intensity will help you lose weight.

Challenge Yourself with Different Terrains

Another way to help yourself lose weight while training for 5K races is to incorporate hill training into your workouts. Many 5K courses have at least a few hills during the course of the race. Training on hills will not only help to ensure you are adequately prepared for the race but will also be very beneficial in your effort to lose weight. Running on hills is significantly more difficult than running on flat ground. Additionally, hill running challenges the muscles in a different way. By challenging your muscles in this way, you will be helping to promote weight loss because your muscles will not become accustomed to a typical routine. When your muscles become accustomed to your workout, they become more efficient and, therefore, burn fewer calories.

Structuring a Competition Schedule to Facilitate Weight Loss

If you are racing in 5K races to lose weight, you may want to carefully consider the number of races you plan to compete in as well as the timing of these races. This is important because if you are competing regularly, you may not be able to enjoy as much weight loss success as you would if you incorporated fewer races into your training schedule and spread these races out by more than a few weeks. For example, if you plan to compete in a 5K race every other weekend during the summer, you may not be giving yourself enough time to improve from one race to the next. Speed work is very taxing, and if you only have a week or two between races, you are not likely to do many speed workouts in between because you do not want your muscles to be overly fatigued for the race day. Additionally, you will also not likely be able to enjoy as much weight loss success, because you will be focusing more on maintaining your fitness level rather than on improving your fitness level. By spreading the races out further and only competing in one race every 4-6 weeks, you will have more time between each event to focus on speed training. This speed training will help you improve your overall time and also lose additional weight because your muscles will be challenged more.

Focus Your Diet on Boosting Your Metabolism

Exercise is not the only way to bolster your metabolism. You can also utilize your diet to increase your metabolism. Eating foods high in fiber and protein can have a positive effect on your metabolism, but you might also consider taking supplements to improve your metabolism. Supplements such as Meltorin are designed to help boost your metabolism. To learn more about Meltorin, visit:

About the Author

Written by the V-Team, courtesy of Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team’s fitness tips may be viewed at:

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Kamau Austin

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Written by the V-Team, courtesy of Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team’s fitness tips may be viewed at:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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