Definitions of Physical fitness

August 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Grady Lopez

Definitions of Physical fitness – Sports

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<img src=”” align=”left” width=”35%” height=”25%”>Interestingly, the definitons of physical fitness has evolved from being focused primarily on athletic performance to include the modern health-related aspects. The reason for this evolution is because fitness or being fit can be a bit complex or abstract even; hence, the reason for so many different definitions. For instance, government health agencies and other organizations definedefinitons of physical fitness although they do agree on certain aspects. As a matter of fact, the most accepted as well as a general or health-related fitness component as well as a specific or performance/skill-related fitness [ the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or tasks ] component. So a definition falls short when it only uses one part. Let

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