Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain

August 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Karen Kaec

Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain – Family – Pets

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Exercise is really one to best methods to combat dog joint pain and increase mobility. Have you ever stood or sat still for a long period? If you have, then you know how stiff your muscles and bones become. This exercise routine will help build up your pet’s ability to move around more freely with less joint pain.

These are the benefits of this routine:

Increases joint mobility Helps relieve joint painAides weight management Speeds healing time And your dog will love you for it

Ready, let’s go!

Start with a 10-15 minute warm up. A slow paced walk is great for this. It helps loosen stiff muscles and joints.

20-30 Minutes Aerobic – Match activities to your dog’s ability such as a fast leash walk. Take your dog along while you jog or bike. Swimming is one of best exercises to sooth your dog’s joint pain. It builds muscles without straining the joints and promotes blood circulation for faster healing. If you have access to a place where your dog can swim, it’s an excellent way to introduce low impact aerobic exercise.

20-30 Minutes Play Time – Play is a great way to keep your dog active. Play your dog’s favorite game; a ball, a frisbee or anything else that keeps your dog’s interest.

5-10 Minutes Cool Off – Slow down the pace with a gentle walk and be sure to give your dog plenty of water.

Just like in humans, the levels of joint pain from arthritis can change from day to day. You can see if your dog is excited to play or lethargic. Match your pet’s ability to the amount of exercise each day. Remember, the purpose of these exercises is to get your pet in shape, feeling better and never strain them.

Get more information on arthritis including healthy diet, unconventional treatments and homeopathic dog pain relief.

Visit my Pet Health Guide to get insider tips on canine arthritis.

About the Author

Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at

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Karen Kaec

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Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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