See How I Lost Weight Fast

September 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Emily Rose

See How I Lost Weight Fast – Entertainment

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Hi, my name is Emily.

I instantly had to get this information revealed to anyone who is trying to lose weight. If you are like me, then you have tried just about every diet. I mean, I did the no carb, low carb, low calorie, packaged food, exercise your ass off, detox products. You think of it, I tried it. After a while, I just started to give up. Don’t get me wrong, all of these diets worked to some degree.

Low Carb Diet – I lost weight quick and fast. But my skin was so disgusting, greasy and broken out. My energy level was low. My breath stunk. I went off of it after I started getting severe cramps in my legs. I was never quite sure what that was about, but I understood my body was telling me that this wasn’t a good diet.

Low Calorie Diets – I was hungry all the time. I was irritable all the time and I had extreme migranes. Plus it also set me up for giant binges. When I decided I would cheat, (just a little) I ended up pigging out, like I was never going to see food again.

Packaged Food – Well, it sucks. All the food is digusting. I don’t care what anyone says. I hated it. And it isn’t realistic. You can’t bring packaged food to a restaurant. What do you do when you have lost the weight you wanted? Continue buying their food so that you don’t gain weight back? No thank you.

After a while, I had about enough of it. My head was swimming with all of these different rules of what is good to eat and what isn’t. Good Carbs, Bad Carbs, Low Calorie, Low Fat, I didn’t even know what to eat anymore. Plus I was just downright tired. Tired of thinking about my weight, tired of thinking about food, exhausted of thinking about how my butt looked in the mirror. Most of all, I was tired of failing. I was just about ready to give up.

Then I came across Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Of course I was skeptical at first. I figured it was just another fad diet, that would work for about a week, but then become either exceedingly unhealthy or completely unbearable. It says you can lose 9lbs every 11 days! I think I read through the website 3 times before I finally purchased the diet. I figured 9lbs is alot of weight. 11 days, well, that is almost nothing. Plus it had a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. I think that is what really caught my attention. If I don’t lose weight, they would give me my money back. I didn’t have anything to lose. (by the way, the diet is $ 39)

Well, I am excited to tell you that Fat Loss 4 Idiots works! It is actually a diet I hadn’t done before. It requires you do a little bit of exercise. I didn’t do any, and I still lost 7 pounds the first 11 days. It is a program called calorie shifting. You can eat everything on this diet, you just have to eat it on certain days. After 11 days, you have 3 cheat days. You can eat what ever you want when ever you want. Then you start all over again. I never felt like I was depriving myself of anything. I never went into binge mode. It is absolutely amazing! I feel that I haven’t just found a diet, but a new way of eating. I can apply Fat Loss 4 Idiots in restaurants, on vacation, during holidays, etc. I am truley excited.

If you are how I was, tired and frustrated by dieting. Don’t give up. Try Fat Loss 4 Idiots. I am sure you won’t be dissappointed. To check out their website, click on the following link: Http://Slim-Now.Info

Good Luck!

Sincerely,Emily Rose

About the Author

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Works!http://Slim-Now.Info

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Emily Rose

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Works!http://Slim-Now.Info

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