Workout Routines – Should You Use Free Weights?

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Ana Orwel

Workout Routines – Should You Use Free Weights? – Health – Fitness

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When you come across a book like ‘walk your way to fitness in just two weeks’, you can’t help exclaim: “Wow, great! I don’t have to splash money on joining an expensive fitness club or buying any expensive equipment. I just need to walk longer distances with good strides.” Your elation doesn’t last long when you realize that you are living downtown in a busy crowded locality where it is just not possible to walk freely with long strides.

Jogging, swimming, etc are other natural ways of staying fit. Like walking, jogging doesn’t cost you any money. Nevertheless, these fitness activities are out of reach for the majority of urbanites who lead a terribly hectic and fast-paced life. So you are left with only two options:

either join an expensive fitness center, or carry out your fitness training in your own home with the help of workout equipment.

Today, there is a wide variety of fitness equipment and machines available in the market. Free weights has an edge over them for the purpose of general fitness training, which is usually geared towards broad goals of your overall physical health and well-being.

Free weights, which are namely dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells, do not limit you to specific fixed movements. Free weight exercises are excellent for the simple reason that they require greater effort from the user’s stabilizer muscles.

Free weights have been found to be working synergistic muscles. When you lift a dumbbell or barbell, what practically happens is that you not only lift the weight but also balance the weight while performing the exercise appropriately. For instance, while doing a standing curl you exercise the biceps and at the same time you also use your back muscles by trying to maintain a proper posture. Besides, you use your body muscles to support the additional weight of the curl, and your deltoid and lower arm muscles to perform the curl properly while standing. Thus free weights help exercise all of the muscle groups within the body.

Free weights also provide you with more flexibility for increasing and decreasing the amount of weight to be lifted. Unlike weight machines, free weights are usually made in the increments of two and three pounds (apart from five pounds). Besides, they allow you to modify your exercises to some extent. Thus you get enhanced versatility with free weights.In comparison to machine weights a free weight system is less expensive and should not cost more than $ 150. Besides, it requires less space in your home. It is easy to fit a weight rack, a bench, and some bars in a small corner of a room.

In spite of all the benefits if you are not careful with free weights you may injure yourself if you perform an exercise incorrectly. You might have seen mirrors in weight rooms. They enable weight lifters to check their form while performing each exercise.

Before you start your fitness training with weight machines it is advisable to have a trainer who could show you how to perform each exercise. You would learn how to go through your daily workout correctly and thus minimize the risk of your injury. First try a workout for four weeks and then add to it by incorporating other free weights as advised by your trainer. Remember that even the slightest variation in any exercise should not be made unless approved by your trainer.

In order to make the most of your fitness training with free weights, act on these simple tips. Wear appropriate clothes. Keep the fitness training area clean and free of litter. Before starting your workout drink enough liquid so you stay well hydrated. Stretch after warming up but before using the free weights. It is good to use a spotter when doing bench presses and squats. After the workout, lie still for a while in your bed and let all the exercised muscles relax. Make sure you get adequate rest and sleep everyday. Eat a healthy nutritious diet.Whenever possible have a buddy join you during your fitness training, so you enjoy doing it more.

About the Author

Dreaming of having a beautiful body, explore plenty of workout routines to select from. Why wait? Start your workout exercises today!

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Ana Orwel

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Dreaming of having a beautiful body, explore plenty of workout routines to select from. Why wait? Start your workout exercises today!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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