The Top Five Supplements for Physical Fitness Training

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Bryant Towell

The Top Five Supplements for Physical Fitness Training – Health

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When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals. If you want to spend your money right, focus on the following five supplements for physical fitness training.

1. Protein Powder

If you’re only going to buy one supplement, make it a quality protein powder. Most lifters like to go with whey – a low-fat, low-carb byproduct of cheese production. It’s the most common type of protein on the market, and you can easily find a brand that tastes great, mixes well, and won’t break the bank. Unless you’ve got tons of time to cook meat and eggs, you’ll probably need a powder to get all of your protein in.

2. Creatine

For decades, creatine has proven to be one of the best supplements for physical fitness training. It helps your body to quickly create more ATP – the cellular energy your muscles need. Most people who use it are able to get a couple more reps on their toughest sets. That may not sound like much, but it’s progress that can seriously add up over time! Creatine isn’t magic, but it’s dirt cheap and highly effective.

3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched chain amino acids, or BCAA, is one of the best supplements for rapid muscle recovery. They can accelerate muscle growth, reduce soreness, and allow you to train hard without running yourself into the ground. If you’re on a diet, they can also help you preserve lean mass – a crucial goal whether you’re a bodybuilder or just someone trying to get into better shape.

4. Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the most important nutrients for good health. However, they are most often found in nuts, salmon, and other expensive foods. To make sure you get plenty of Omega-3s, supplement with a quality fish oil. It’ll also help to combat inflammation in your joints, which is a real concern for people who lift heavy in their physical fitness training.

5. Caffeine

There are tons of “pre-workout” supplements on the market these days. Most of them make outrageous claims about how much they’ll increase your strength, or how energized they’ll make you feel. In reality, most of them just give people the jitters and don’t do anything for their actual workout performance.

If you want an honest boost in energy, just take some caffeine! Provided you don’t have a killer caffeine addiction, a couple cups of coffee or tea are more than enough to power you through your workout. Unless you’re on a low-carb physical fitness training plan, eating some fruit or sweet potatoes can also give you an even keel of energy.

About the Author

When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Bryant Towell

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When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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