The Benefits of Weight Lifting Workouts

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Alex Shawn

Understanding the means to successful strength training is very important for the overall derivation of benefits and efficiency from your weight lifting workouts. This knowledge ensures that you can spend the least time in the gym, and yet achieve all your workout goals. The purpose of this article is to show you how you can be efficient and effective in the gym.

Steps to effective weight lifting workouts

In order to maintain effectiveness in your weight lifting workouts, there are a few steps to keep in mind which are the key elements to look for. Note that a nice physique is the culmination of tireless efforts combined with the right nutritional regimen, and not a uni-dimensional affair.

Warm up: – it is very important for the effectiveness of the program, if one doesn’t do proper warm up not only will the weight lifting workout be ineffective, but it may increase the risk to injuries.Use of simple free weight compound exercises: – for someone who is serious about building lean muscle mass, it is better to stick to the tried and true. The simple free weight compound exercises work on major muscle groups with one motion such as; dead lifts, squats, bench press and curls.Limit your training to one hour: – generally after 60 minutes of working out there is a decrease in the body hormones, hence the weight lifting workouts maybe ineffective. So you should try and squeeze all your routine into this time frame in order to have maximum effectiveness.When starting out, use heavy weights and low reps: –   after the initial adaptation of 3 to 4 weeks, it is important to move to heavier weights and low repetition training of around 6 to 8 reps per set. It helps in building sizable initial gains in strength before moving on.

How to stay motivated for weight lifting workouts

Motivation can be very difficult to maintain no matter how long you have been doing weight lifting workouts. Here are a few tips that can boost your motivation for the workout training.

Write down your plan: – it is essential to develop a plan, since without it you are less likely to attain your training goals.Make small changes: – change happens best when done gradually over time. Do not make drastic changes in your weight lifting workouts, routines and schedules. Such changes disrupt the normal flow of developing your body.Find a training partner: – it is always good to find someone who will hold you accountable to show up in the gym. This makes it hard for you to skip the training sessions; hence it maintains the progression towards your training.

Steps to a perfect press in weight lifting workouts

One of the essentials for weight lifting workouts is the bench press exercise. It is effective for increasing chest and pectoral mass; this is where the arms are pressed directly into a load of resistance. Here are a few tips on how to get a perfect press.

Lay down flat on a flat bench after loading the barbell with an acceptable weight load.Grasp the bar using a medium weight grip and your hands are placed just wider than the shoulders. You should concentrate on making two 90 degrees with your arms when the arm gets to the middle of the bench press.Raise the bar straight up till your arms lock at the elbows and they are completely straight.When lowering the barbell, take a breath in a slow controlled motion. Bring it all the way down to the chest. A correct finish is when the bar is just above the nipple at the middle of the pectoral muscle.Pause briefly and then breathe out as you press the bar directly up to the original position. Do this repeatedly but carefully until you have completed the intended quantity of reps.

When you concentrate with proper form of training, there will be effectiveness with you strength training, also with proper weight lifting workouts you are activating and working the specific muscle that you need to strengthen.


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