A Guide to Weight Training

September 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Patrick Fitz-Gibbon

A Guide to Weight Training – Health – Fitness

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Many people start weight training because they want to increase their muscle size and strength. But there are many other benefits other than the obvious ones. Scientific research has shown that not only can it improve your overall health and wellbeing it can prevent various bone related diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis. It is a way to strengthen your body after all so should also be looked as a way to stay healthy.

Fortunately lifting weights is no longer seen as just a body builders past time and as more and more people are reaping the benefits of incorporating weight training into their lifestyles the more popular it is becoming. But as with any regime it is important to remember and follow some simple guidelines if you want to train using weights. Don’t go about it haphazardly otherwise you will not see the required results. Weight training, whilst not an art in itself, it is something that needs to be done correctly otherwise it could prove to be harmful and cause damage to your muscles. Therefore it does require some knowledge to practice it safely.

Weight Training Safety

Don’t jump in and start lifting large heavy weights, you will need to work your way up and whilst it is tempting to jump straight in to try to achieve maximum results, you are quite likely to have the opposite effect. Start with a weight that is heavy but does not take massive effort. As the weight gets easier to lift, then you can add more weight. Also take extra effort to make sure your form is correct when lifting any weights as if you are not positioned correctly this can cause damage to your body. Some exercises can cause added strain on your lower back, so it may be a good idea to invest in a weight training belt to support your back and minimize any potential injury.

Weight Training Results

Lifting weights will not only build muscle mass but will also increase your strength, endurance and overall fitness levels when practiced correctly. If you are concerned or not sure what to start then you would probably benefit by using a weight lifting program. The programs are designed to help you and ensure you practice correctly with the right weights and at the right time. Often accompanied by nutritional advice to ensure you get the maximum results.

Weight training can be fun and shouldn’t be look upon as a chore, this will only lead to you giving up your regime and therefore you won’t achieve the results you set out to attain. There is no doubt if you want to change your body shape, weights and resistance training are one of the fastest ways which you can get your desired body without resorting to extreme measures. It is certainly not difficult and many people will tell you that with a little effort they have changed their body dramatically.

About the Author

Click on the links if you want to discover more about weight training and the best adjustable dumbbells. We guide you on all dumbbells available on the market that brings in the best results.

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Patrick Fitz-Gibbon

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Click on the links if you want to discover more about weight training and the best adjustable dumbbells. We guide you on all dumbbells available on the market that brings in the best results.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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