Abdominal Exercise Equipment Review

July 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Judging from TV ads, we all should have been walking with perfect six pack abs by now. The infomercials for abdominal exercise equipment make everything look so easy, so effortless, that it makes you feel bad that you don’t have the flat abs the models in the infomercials do. The next step is to buy whatever is being advertised. 9 times out of 10, you’re going to be disappointed.

To avoid paying good money for a bad product, I want to share with you my views about abdominal exercise equipment and whether it really works or not.

I divide ab fitness products to 3 categories:

What can’t work

In this group I put most of the electric ab belts and stimulators as well as those products promising flat abs and amazing results by working for just seconds or minutes a day.

These products may help you to tone your stomach but they will do little to deal with the root cause of the problem: your excess stomach fat. They probably don’t do much for toning the muscles, either.

The Pricey

In this group there are some ab machines that may be useful in the sense that they do help you to do a solid abdominal workout. However, their price is too high for the benefit they give, especially when you consider the fact that you can do regular ab exercises for free, on the floor in your home.

The Good and affordable

This is the group of products I mostly recommend. These products are low-prices but help you to do a real ab workout that delivers results. I have two products in this group: the stability ball and the ab wheel. Both of these products are affordable and they make any ab workout much harder. These are the products you should by to tone and strengthen your abs

John Davenport is a health and fitness author.

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