Abdominal Exercises

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Angel Lesta

Abdominal Exercises – Health – Weight Loss

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Abdominal ExercisesWhen you consume more calories than what your body can use, the unused sugars, proteins and fats in your body get converted into glycogen and fat reserves. These fats are stored under the skin in different parts of your body. Some of it gets accumulated in fat cells surrounding various organs of your body. This is more common in the abdominal region, and is known as the visceral fat. Many chronic and potentially fatal conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers have been linked to the abdominal fat. Apart from calorie intake, stress and hormonal changes associated with it can also lead to accumulation of belly fat. Regular abdominal exercises may help reduce the accumulated fat.Before you begin abdominal exercises, try to identify the cause of your abdominal fat. Start by relaxing yourself. Take steps to reduce your stress levels. Start following a low-fat diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. If you haven’t exercised at all until now, start with warm-up activities such as walking and jogging. Increase the intensity as your fitness levels improve. These exercises will improve your cardiovascular fitness, and help burn additional calories and stored fat in your body. It will also prepare your body for an intense and focused ab attack program. The specific stomach exercises work all the six muscles in your stomach and help reduce your waist size.Crunches are the most popular and common abdominal exercises. When performed properly, they can lead to significant improvement in your stomach fat levels. It is, however, important to combine a variety of crunches such as bicycle crunch, long-arm crunch and reverse crunch in your exercise regimen. Several sets and repetitions are required for desired benefits. You may invest in a portable device that may support your stomach exercises. Specialized gym equipment including the captain’s chair and the work bench are highly useful as well. All programs should be combined with healthy diet. It is also important to be consistent.A professional fitness trainer may help you chose abdominal exercises that would work specifically to reduce belly fat. You can hire one but that may be very expensive. Your other option is to follow a fitness video that has been designed by a fitness expert specifically for your abs. The exercise programs will have low-intensity moves for the beginners. The exercises get complex as you become an expert. The experts will give you important tips about your diet as well.

About the Author

I have been in Health and Fitness for over 37 years now, first in bodybuilding were I be came, Mr Briton 1983, Mr Europe 1983, and silver medalist in the world games 1985.From 1985 to 2010 running My own fitness Gyms, Now Just suppling the best information to the people that what to achieve their Health and Fitness goals. Check out My site.http://stomachexecise.com

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Angel Lesta

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I have been in Health and Fitness for over 37 years now, first in bodybuilding were I be came, Mr Briton 1983, Mr Europe 1983, and silver medalist in the world games 1985.From 1985 to 2010 running My own fitness Gyms, Now Just suppling the best information to the people that what to achieve their Health and Fitness goals. Check out My site.http://stomachexecise.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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