Abdominal Muscles Exercise Plan

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Mike Howell

Abdominal Muscles Exercise Plan – Health – Fitness

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Abdominal muscles exercise for beginners must begin with a plan for the basics of the workouts. Whew… that’s a mouthful! Abs fitness shouldn’t be that complicated. So, let’s start over 🙂

You want six pack abs? ::.Create a plan. ::.Start slowly. ::.Follow your plan. Your plan should include these 4 components:

.::. DIET.::.If you are just starting your quest for six pack abs, you probably need to lose weight. In fact, chances are that you are either overweight or obese.

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (cdc.gov) states that “overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height”. If you fall into one of these categories, the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems is increased.

The body mass index (BMI) generally correlates with the amount of your body fat. Your weight and height are used to calculate your BMI. So, proper diet resulting in reasonable weight loss is one of the 4 primary components in your plan to achieve six pack abs.

.::. WALKING.::.If you want to know how to get a six pack, you’ll need to understand that walking plays a critical role in your plan. Walking provides great abdominal muscles exercise basics. Beginners should include walking workouts in their plans to get six pack abs.

Try to walk 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) every day. If you are not in the habit of walking, you should be able to complete this distance in less than 1 hour. After you have walked every day for 2 or 3 weeks, you should be able to reduce your time to 40 or 45 minutes. As long as you are able to walk 3.1 miles at a pace brisk enough to finish in 40 minutes or less, your heart rate should be such that you feel good about your effort but not exhausted. NOTE: Please consult with your doctor before implementing any components of your abdominal muscles exercise plan.

.::. EXERCISE.::.It is widely recognized that the most important exercise in your quest for six pack abs is… stretching. That’s right, stretching is a critical part of your abdominal muscles exercise workouts because your body must remain limber and flexible in order to reap the fullest benefits from the other components of your plan.

Of course, crunches are one exercise always associated with developing six pack abs. However, you should be aware that some controversy exists about the importance of implementing this type of exercise into your workouts (more info at sixpackabs.biz). You’ll need to review opinions regarding crunches to determine the extent to which you want to implement them into your workouts.

.::. WEIGHTS.::.Workouts using weights are important in abdominal muscles exercise workouts for beginners. The basics of weightlifting are addressed on thousands of pages on the Internet (for example workoutsgym.com), so with very little effort you should be able to locate step-by-step instructions for using weights at home or at a gym to develop six pack abs. Fitness routines which result in a flat stomach generally include weight training for 3 days per week, while allowing your muscles to rest for 1 day between workouts.

So, you want six pack abs? Diet, walking, exercise, and weights… all will be important to your success. There are lots of FREE resources available. Just remember to create a plan, start slowly, and follow your plan.

About the Author

.http://sixpackabs.biz/free_work_out_plans.html provides excellent resources about six pack abs. You can learn tricks and tips about how to get great abs regardless of your budget. Get started on your http://sixpackabs.biz/ab_workouts_for_a_six_pack.html right now… you can do it! – Mike

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Mike Howell

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.http://sixpackabs.biz/free_work_out_plans.html provides excellent resources about six pack abs. You can learn tricks and tips about how to get great abs regardless of your budget. Get started on your http://sixpackabs.biz/ab_workouts_for_a_six_pack.html right now… you can do it! – Mike

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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