Accelerated Muscular Development Torrent

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Interviews with 21 of the top names in the fitness industry. No topics are left unturned! Fat loss, how to train clients, building massive strength, gaining muscle, improving speed, how to eliminate mistakes in your training programs, non-conventional training, recovery, eliminating back and knee pain, training intensity – just to name a few topics.

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built the muscle, now do you want to learn how to create explosive power with one of the most versatile tools in the fitness industry? Medicine balls are portable, cheap and can be quickly integrated into your workouts to add variety and create power. This unique ebook has a HUGE exercise index and will teach you not only how to create power, but how to become more reactive.

breaking interview, Mike spills all his secrets on his Joint-by-Joint approach to training.

Find out what kinetic segments require stability and which ones require mobility and why this is important for injury preventation, athletic and strength performance, posture and optimal muscular recruitment. This is a huge interview full of easy, ready-to-apply real world training strategies.

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Everything you ever wanted to know about one of the most brutal strength and conditioning means. Building rotational strength, insane levels of grip strength endurance and improving your ability to absorb force, sledgehammer training will take your strength levels to new heights.

I’ve also included never-before-seen mobility movements for the shoulder that will become a staple in your routines.

happens when you take kettlebell basics and add sandbags, bands and grip training implements? You get Advanced Kettlebell Training. This e-book is the first in a two part series that has blown away all conventional thinking around what is possible with a kettlebell. Sold to athletes, lifters and trainers all over the world, this renowned e-book has everything you need to jack up the intensity of your boring training sessions!

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