Aerobic Exercise For Children

June 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

In this country, and many others, children are in need of more exercise. Children love computer interaction games and television, but are not getting as much exercise as they need. If a child isn’t getting the right kind of aerobic exercise, the chances overweight and obesity increases.

Poor eating habits and lack of healthy exercise can cause them problems in the long run. Children need aerobic exercise to build healthy hearts and lungs, and strong muscles.

Are you a good role-model? Do you exercise regularly? If you are concerned that your child isn’t getting the right amount of exercise, there are several things you can do. First, enforce rules about healthy eating. Set examples, and make sure your entire family is eating healthy. And, don’t allow your children eat in front of the television or the computer.

Set limits on how much time your children are allowed to watch television and use the computer.

Enforce these rules, and encourage them to get involved in other things. Encourage personal development, but don’t forget to do things as a family.

A good way to encourage children to exercise is by creating family exercise times. Find or designate a time each day when your family can get together to do something fun. Go for a walk, toss a ball, ride bikes, or swim together. If outside activities are interrupted by inclement weather, interactive computer exercise programs are available.

Adding fun exercise routines give your family the best possible chance to get and remain healthy. Not only will your children benefit, but you will, too. Enjoy family experiences and quality times!

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