Aerobic Exercises and its Effect on our Hormones

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Charles Volcolatte

For the longest time, weight loss has been seen as a necessary measure for various pursuits. While losing weight is an obsession among most American men and women, another thing has also occupied their thoughts of late. This is the desire to look better and more physically attractive by means of toning and sculpting their bodies. Indeed, it is no longer enough to just look lose off those extra pounds. At any rate, it has since become more fashionable to have a toned and sculpted body to boot. For this reason, workout routines to optimize weight loss have since been one of the most popular methods to boost weight loss.

The significance of workout routines in maximizing weight loss possibilities is endless. For as long as we can remember, health experts and nutritionists have since been commending the roles of these exercise routines to our system because not only can it regulate the healthy functioning of our hearts, more than anything else, exercise routines can also help us shed off unwanted fat and weight through its effect on the elimination of body fat. Aside from these, there is also a long list of benefits that can be reaped from the adherence to an exercise routine. For those people who are yet to be convinced that exercise is indeed an essential way to be healthy, strong, fit and happy, read the full list we cited below, which commends exercise as a great practice that can bring forth various benefits to one and all.

There are many types of exercises routines, but not all of these have the same effect on the appetite. According to the study conducted by the researchers very recently, exercise per se can stimulate two types of hormone: Ghrelin and Peptide YY. The research conducted by the experts support the claims that that aerobic exercise is better at suppressing appetite than non-aerobic exercise. The explanation for how that happens is due to the3 discovery that the hormone Ghrelin goes down during non-aerobic exercises while Peptide YY increases during aerobic exercise. Ghrelin is the only hormone known to stimulate appetite, while peptide YY suppresses appetite. Of these two, the latter is more important for dieters.

As mentioned, Ghrelin is a hormone that enhances the appetite. This is why some dieters who opt to utilize exercise routines tend to feel hungrier more often than when they did not include exercise routines in their weight loss programs yet. Chances are, these individuals made use of non-aerobic exercise routines because these are the routines that are known to stimulate Ghrelin. Meanwhile, peptide YY are hormones that are being regulated by the body when the exercise routine that is being followed is the routine that delves into aerobic exercises.

There are various reasons why we should opt for a physical exercise routine but there are even more reasons to stick to a physical activity routine that delves into aerobic exercise. So choose your regimen wisely and get into a fitness routine that involves aerobic exercise to experience a fuller perspective on weight loss, health and wellness.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Programs and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

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