Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Kevin Pola

Aerobics and Cardiovascular Fitness for Beginners – Health

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Cardio and Aerobics The phrase, “Cardio Exercise” scares many people. Although weight lifting is incredibly beneficial exercise, for a completely well-rounded fitness regimen one must include aerobic exercise, or “cardio”, as well. Cardio, or aerobic exercises have a number of benefits: Reduce risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke,Increase stamina,Lose excess body fat,Increased immune system Cardio or aerobic exercise is cheap and can be done anywhere. Make cardio or aerobics more interesting with a few basic ideas. OK, let’s get going! How many times a week should I do Cardio? To start with your cardio, aerobics exercise should be completed three days a week. If you are following the weight lifting program we’ve outlined in this series, it is a good idea to do cardio on the same day as you perform your weight training. Your weight lifting workout should be completed before doing your aerobic/ cardio workout. Cardio equipment very often is packed away in peoples home, if you have one it could be more convenient to clean it up and start doing your aerobic workout at home. Weight loss is best achieved by doing your cardio workout early in the morning. Waking up to an aerobic workout is a excellent way to start your day, so if you have this option good luck. How long should my cardio workout last? Cardio, like weight lifting should be started slowly and gradually built up. 15 minutes a day is sufficient to start with. What cardio is best. In the beginning, it is advised that you use a machine built for cardio exercise rather than trying to keep up with an aerobics or spinning class. This means you can start and finish when you feel you have reached your limit without pressure from others in the class. Cardio exercise can be completed in three types. Make your choice from the cardio workouts listed below: Exercise bikes are very good for reducing the pressure on joints. This is very good for people with sore joints or back problems. Elliptical machine, The aerobic exercise on this machine is more intense but is still easy on joints. The elliptical trainer, similar to the treadmill is used standing up but that is the only similarity. It is more effective in toning the glutes, or the butt) and also includes a workout for the arms. Stair climber or step machine, this gives an even more strenuous workout than the elliptical walker. The pace of the step machine is slower so a longer workout is generally necessary to deliver a decent cardio workout. This type of exercise machine is best used for advanced workouts. The treadmill is the most widely used in the gym. The exercise on these machines can be carried out at a slow walk right up to a fast sprint. The “incline” can also be set to provide a more challenging workout. The only caveat is that running or jogging is a very high-impact exercise and is not recommended for those with sore knees, hips or lower backs. A aerobic program for beginners. The first two weeks of your cardio exercise program should be….. Select whichever method suit you best and follow the guide below: Week 1Monday 15 minutesWednesday 15 minutesFriday 15 minutesWeek 2Monday 20 minutesWednesday 20 minutesFriday 20 minutes Enjoy you cardio exercise!

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

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Kevin Pola

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Hi my name is Kevin Pola, I hope you gained some useful information about weight training from my article. For more please visit our site at and claim you free 7 part e Course when you sign up.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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