All Time Favorites Fitness Tips

July 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Julie Brealy

All Time Favorites Fitness Tips – Health – Weight Loss

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Who doesn’t want to have a washboard abs or a well-toned physique? We admire models, sports icons and other celebrities for having a great body, right? Most of those great bodies are product of hard work and discipline.

So, before you dream to have the great toned body, ask yourself first. Do you exercise the way they do? Do you have that determination that takes them to have that washboard abs? Yes, we always dream to have their body but we do not exert enough effort to achieve it.

To help you chisel the arms and shoulders you dream, go through the list of all time favorite fitness tips to help you achieve your desired physique.

Ditch your coffee. We all know that coffee is not that beneficial to your health compared to green tea, right? Slowly try to replace your coffee with green tea. It has always been a better option than caffeine because it aids your digestion and metabolizes fats.

Chuck your white bread. Be smart when choosing your bread. Go for whole wheat bread because it is healthy. It is rich in fiber and aids in reducing the risk of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Mix outdoor and indoor workouts. Let’s face it. Running in the treadmill for an hour everyday is really boring. The routine nature of exercising in the gym can slowly deplete your enthusiasm to stay fit.

So, try to mix both to avoid boredom. Enjoy nature with outdoor activities such skiing, hiking, climbing, kayaking, and so on. Inject these outdoor activities in your gym regimen to keep up your zest

Go for plant based foods. We are bombarded with processed foods nowadays. Shop in the supermarket and its shelves are stuffed with processed food products from meat, sauces, juices and so on. These processed products are actually not recommended because chemicals such as additives and preservatives are added on that.

When shopping in the supermarket, try your best to choose plant based foods. These are healthy options. Go for fruits and vegetables.

Stay active. Fitness gurus always recommend using stairs instead of elevators. There are many ways, if we are really desperate enough, to incorporate exercise in our day to day life. Though we know it by heart, we keep on ignoring it until such caution is uttered by our physician.

Start now. Make a conscious effort to stay active.

Keep these all time favorite fitness tips in mind to make fitness and health easier to achieve.

About the Author

Julie Brealy is the health manager at FitFarms, No. 1 Fitness Boot Camp and the Weight Loss Retreat UK. She has been working for over 10 years in weight loss industry advising companies in the US and the UK. Julie is also an experienced deep tissue massage therapist.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Julie Brealy

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Julie Brealy is the health manager at FitFarms, No. 1 Fitness Boot Camp and the Weight Loss Retreat UK. She has been working for over 10 years in weight loss industry advising companies in the US and the UK. Julie is also an experienced deep tissue massage therapist.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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