An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Amber Freeman

An Introduction to Popular Russian Kettlebell Workouts – Health – Fitness

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Over the past couple of years, cannonball shaped weights with handles have gained considerable popularity in the United States. For over a century, people in various countries and Russia have been using kettlebells. Kettlebells are available in a variety of fixed weights, and many different workouts can be performed using them. So, if you plan to perform the following Russian kettlebell workouts, make sure you have different weight kettlebells.

History Russian Kettlebell Exercises

The reason these workouts have a Russian origin is because athletes and soldiers in Russia have been using them as a training mechanism for a long time. Kettlebells were once favored as training tools in Russian strongman competitions. In 1985, the first ever kettlebell event was sponsored by Russia. Since then, Russian gymnasts and fitness buffs typically use kettlebells in their workout routines.

Kettlebell Swings

You can develop your arms, back, buttocks and legs using kettlebells when performing swings. Perform this kettlebell workout in a standing position by keeping your feet apart at shoulder-width. Squat down by bending your knees while holding a kettlebend in each hand and push back your hips. Lower the kettlebell while bending forward. Start swinging the kettlebell to your eye level by thrusting your hips forward and extending your knees. Bend your hips and knees to get back to the squat position while the kettlebell is being pulled down to the floor. You can repeat as many repetitions of this workout as you want to.

Wrestlers’ Row

Wrester’s row is one of the Russian kettlebell workouts that can help you strengthen your arms, back, glutes and legs if you are using kettlebells. Stand up, keeping your apart at hip-distance while holding a kettlebell in both hands. Lean forward from your hips while bending your knees a bit and continue bending till your upper body and the floor are almost parallel to each other. Use your elbows to lead, while pulling your hands in your lower ribs and maintain this starting position. Pull your right arm into your side while extending your left arm toward the floor. Return to the starting position by pulling back your arm. Keep your left arm in place while extending your right arm. Complete your set by continuing this pulling pattern by alternating between your arms.

Floor Press

You develop your chest, shoulder and triceps muscles by performing floor presses using kettlebells. Lie down on the floor between two kettlebells and keep your shoulders at level with the kettlebells. Rest the kettlbells against your forearms while placing your fingers inside the handles and gripping them. Press the kettlebells to the length of your arms. Bend your arms while keeping your legs bent and your head over the floor. Bring your upper arms into contact with the floor by lowering the kettlebells slowly. Drive the kettlebells back up to the length of your arms immediately when your arms touch the floor. You can also use one kettlebell at one time when performing this kettlebell workout or you can use an alternate between your arms to add variety.

Since intensity and resistance will be created in your workout because of the additional weight of kettlebells, this way, muscles are cut quickly by Russian kettlebell exercises. Unlike free weights or normal dumbbells, even the intrinsic muscles are easily worked out because of a kettebell’s awkward size. This is why kettebell workouts are so beneficial since they benefit every major muscle group.

About the Author

Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

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Amber Freeman

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Amber Freeman is a writer who loves researching and writing about many of her passions. You can benefit from all the research and care that has gone into her latest website, Russian Kettlebells, where she provides information, tips on care, and even talks about a Men’s Kettlebells.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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