Are Pushups Effective for Muscle Development?

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Jack bush

Are pushups effective for muscle development? Think of it this way: pushups cause resistance while resistance develops muscle. Therefore, its only evident that pushups develop muscle. There are, however, people that do not understand how much of a help pushups can be. People don’t like to use bodily resistance to develop muscle. They prefer going to the gym and spending lots of money so that they can use expensive machines to perform the same task that a pushup does, but for free.

You always have the equipment needed for a pushup available as it will go wherever you do. Wherever you go: there you are! the old saying goes; all you need is your body and space isn’t a problem. Even in a small hotel room what you have to do is get on your hands and feet on the side of your bed and get cracking.

Build Muscle and Improve Metabolism

Using your body for resistance is not a new concept. Its been being employed way before people thought of creating weights. Just think of how many muscle groups it targets: back, chest, shoulders, legs, and stomach. Its one of the best exercises for muscle development. Exercises like chin-ups are also convenient to perform but in no way do they provide any of the other benefits that pushups do. Pushups are simply amazing for muscle development. They increase ones metabolism along with building muscle, which means it helps you lose weight and fat much faster.

Make Pushups a Habit C Establish a Routine

Don’t ever begin a workout on a rough start; always ease yourself into your workouts. If you just begin a routine by performing pushups, you’ll tire your muscles out, which may lead to serious injuries or if not, minor sores. Avoid this by having a routine. Start off with a small number of pushups. Do them so you’re not overly tired but a bit sore. Remember, no pain, no gain. Start with ten pushups an hour so that you can be doing around a hundred pushups a day, getting you used to the exercise.

When you’re getting the hang of doing ten, increase the number of pushups. Do more sets if you feel that you aren’t giving your muscles enough of a challenge. The alternate method to increase resistance is to perform sets more often. Forty-five minutes is a good increase in resistance from one hour.

Are pushups effective for muscle development? Yes, of course they do but you must remember that eating habits are very important as well. Muscle mass comes with two components: exercise and diet. After You’ve got the exercise down, eating is whats left. It isn’t very difficult, as long as you’re eating properly to give you energy for your workouts and to build muscle. So long that you eat properly and have good exercise habits, you’ll succeed in achieving results that you want to.

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