“Arm Exercise For Arm Toning”

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Stan Moore

Our body has a way of storing excess fat and this varies as a result of different number of fat cells located in different places around the body. The number of these fat cells and their location in our body is usually influenced by our different genetics. Wherever we have a large concentration of these fat cells are the very places where we find it too difficult to lose fat. Some people have theirs at the tummy, others at the butts; some at the arms while some at the laps, hips etc. For cases where the excess fats are stored around the arms, it is usually difficult losing such stubborn fat with arm exercise, so patience and more commitment to good arm exercise is required.

When trying to lose fat from flabby arms, it is noticed that we lose more fat from other areas first (even areas we were not expecting fat loss) before losing the flabby fat, this is because our body uses energy from all the different parts during exercises instead of that very particular area where we want to lose weight from. So the best option is to tone the arm muscles during arm exercise.

Single joint exercises or arm exercise that could tone the arm are curls and kick-backs which work very well on the biceps, triceps and fore-arms. such arm exercise include, dumbbell curls, reverse curls, incline dumbbell curls, preacher dumbbell curls, dumbbell concentration curls, dumbbell kickbacks, barbell curls, preacher barbell curls, lying barbell extensions, close grip bench presses, bench dips etc,. It is good to work more on the triceps when on arm exercise program as this makes up about 2/3 of the arm size. For faster and better result, multi-muscle exercise is preferred to single-joint exercise which tends to work at that very part where the ugly fat is located. So, reducing the overall body fat is the best for reduction of flabby arm, though arm exercise will tone the arm muscles giving it a leaner appearance while the arm exercise lasts.

Stan Moore is an experienced and Certified Nutrition and Fitness Specialist, who major mostly on Nutrition and Fitness Counseling for a Healthy Living. He is also a Social Health Worker and owner of one of the most visited fitness website on the internet. If you want the best in Fitness and Nutrition visit today.http://weightweaker.com

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