Arm Lift for Slimmer, Contoured Arms

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Aging, weight loss and other factors often result in extra fat and loose, sagging skin in different body areas. Flabby skin and excess fat accumulation in the upper arms can make you look much older than you really are. This condition can be corrected and your arms made to look more youthful with an arm lift/arm tuck. Known also by the name brachioplasty, an arm lift trims and reshapes your upper arms, thus helping you look more attractive. The procedure not only benefits you physically but also boosts your self esteem.

Arm Lift Surgery – Benefits

What you benefit from:

•  Well-proportioned and great looking arms
•  Wear clothes more comfortably
•  Enjoy a bigger choice of clothing
•  Improved self confidence

A single procedure is sufficient to tighten loose arm skin and get rid of excess fat.

Safe Procedure Ensuring Effective Results

With the new techniques available at present, you can get the desired aesthetic results without suffering much pain and discomfort.

With new technological advancements, arm tuck has become much safer and ensures effective results. Brachioplasty or arm lift is now carried out using the BodyTite device that ensures effective skin tightening advantages and successful fat removal. BodyTite is the latest technology in body contouring that uses radiofrequency energy to remove fat cells and tighten skin simultaneously.

•  The radiofrequency energy employed leaves the surrounding tissue in tact  
•  Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, local anesthesia is sufficient
•  Minimum pain, less bruising
•  Fast recovery without the need for a long hospital stay
•  Speedy return to normal activities
•  Since small incisions are made in this cosmetic surgery procedure, the scars, if any, will be minimal
•  It is done on an outpatient basis
•  The surgery is not long; it lasts approximately one or two hours. The time varies depending on the plastic surgeons and the degree of complexity of the patient  

Recovering from Arm Lift

When you plan to undergo arm lift surgery, there are certain precautions that you should take. During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. The surgeon will also tell you about the risks and consequences that may be associated with the surgery.  Make sure to follow all the instructions carefully to ensure fast recovery and the best outcomes. Your slimmer, contoured arms will last long provided you follow the prescribed exercises and a healthy diet.

Arm lift cosmetic surgery at bodySCULPT® is beneficial to correct heavy upper arms which are largely a consequence of aging, heredity, and weight loss wherein the skin in the upper arms did not tighten and became lax.

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