Arm Liposuction for Women

September 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Julia Anderson

Arm Liposuction for Women – Health – Plastic Surgery

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All women desire slim, beautifully sculpted arms. Well-contoured arms enhance the way you look in sleeveless clothes and swimwear. Also, slim arms are looked upon as a sign of health and vigor. But factors such as aging, fluctuations in weight, and even your genes can cause fat to accumulate in your upper arms. After a point, even rigorous diets and exercise fail to work to reduce this fat. That’s when you should consider liposuction. Many advanced modalities have made arm liposuction for women a very effective procedure with lasting results.

Advanced Technologies for Upper Arm Liposuction

If you want to go in for liposuction to reduce upper arm fat, your first step should be to look for a plastic surgeon specialized in the procedure. An established practice would be one that offers advanced modalities such as VASER 2.0, BodyTite and SmartLipo, all of which promise great results for arm lipo. As each one works differently, only an experienced surgeon can help choose the one that’s right for you.

The FDA-approved third generation VASER® technology uses advanced ultrasound technology to selectively remove unwanted body fat, while leaving important nerves and tissues unaffected. The upper arm area to be treated is first filled with a tumescent saline solution. This helps numb the site and facilitate the break up of the fatty tissue. A tiny probe is used to deliver ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat which is later suctioned off gently. One of the greatest advantages of this technology is that it is specially designed to minimize bleeding, bruising, and tissue damage.

BodyTite utilizes a radio-frequency energy enabled probe for liposuction. The RFAL™ (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipo Tightening) technology (awaiting FDA approval) gently melts stubborn fat for easy removal. It also offers soft tissue contraction of up to 40% and ensures significant skin tightening. It therefore produces remarkable results for the re-contouring and firming of the upper arms.

SmartLipo™ Triplex features high-definition laser technology. It delivers laser energy through three wavelengths, 1440, 1064 and 1320 nm, to disrupt excess fat. This FDA-approved modality has proved very successful for the removal of localized fat deposits and loose skin in areas like the arms.

Whatever the procedure, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise to sustain the results of your arm liposuction treatment.

Safe and Effective Cosmetic Surgery Methods

All the technologies described above are minimally-invasive, safe and effective. They can be performed as office procedures and under local anesthesia. Downtime is minimal and recovery is quick, which means you can get back to routine fast. You can be assured of smooth, well-contoured upper arms with these superior body sculpting techniques. Of course, it’s first important to determine if upper arm liposuction will work for you and to choose the right modality. You may even need additional surgery to obtain the best results. Locating a plastic surgeon experienced in arm liposuction for women is the key to achieving your goals.

About the Author

Female Arm LiposuctionYou can achieve a toned, thinner look for your arms with arm liposuction surgery.

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Julia Anderson

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Female Arm LiposuctionYou can achieve a toned, thinner look for your arms with arm liposuction surgery.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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