Arm Toning Exercises

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Having fat and flabby arms can be a very big barrier if you want to wear sleeveless shirts. No amount of accessory can make up for the sexy sight of a well toned arm. However, what you must know is that there is no such thing as spot reduction or reducing fat at one part of the body.

Losing weight is an all-body process, so if you want to learn how to lose arm fat, you have to engage not just your arms in the exercise. There are actually two steps to get a slim and sexy arm to show off.

Losing the Fat

People get arm fat via two methods. First is because they are generally overweight wherein the body stores the extra fat all over the physique. The second is when the genes come into play and deposit more fatty substances in just one body part – the arms.

If you belong to the first group, then your resort would be to lose the arm fat first before starting arm toning exercises. The reason for this is that you don’t want the muscles to hide beneath a layer of fat.

The best course of action for those who have flabby arms because of their total weight is a regimen that includes the whole body.

There are no shortcuts here, ladies and gentlemen. Exercise and diet are the top two things you need to be most concerned about.

Toning the Arm

You don’t have to wait for the arm to lose the fat before developing the muscles. The usual routine would involve cardio exercises, workouts for the arms and a proper diet.

Here are a few arm toning exercises that are guaranteed to bring out the muscle in you.

Push Ups

The most used and most effective arm exercise, although it may look easy, pushups don’t really work as well when done improperly. Initially, you should start on your hands and knees. Arms should form a straight line with the wrists directly under your shoulders and the knees directly under the hips. Now, extend your legs back until it’s balanced on your toes, one leg at time so you won’t tip over. Don’t hunch and make sure that your body is creating a straight line from shoulder to toes. Stomach and muscles tight, bend your elbows and rise up slowly while maintaining proper form all the way. Try to go for 15 repetitions. This exercise will target your chest, triceps and shoulders.

Dumb Bell Curl

This exercise will focus mostly on your bicep. To start, hold a dumb bell in each hand and stand straight. Now, curl just one dumb bell in a move that looks as if you are attempting to move the equipment beyond your shoulder. Lower the dumbbell slowly and repeat the exercise with your other arm. Keep in mind that what you are after here is the contraction of the muscles, not the speed. Hence, letting the muscle feel the intensity of the exercise is better than doing as much exercise as you can.

Last tip for the ladies on how to lose arm fat: don’t be afraid if you start developing bulky muscles. That naturally occurs at the beginning of the exercise and will start to look slim and toned after some time.

Bob Brendon
How to Lose Arm Fat
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