Arm Toning Exercises for Women

July 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Mohamad Al

Arm Toning Exercises for Women – Health – Fitness

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Because of the limited arms movement in our sedentary life styles, and just like the other areas on our bodies we have gained weight around our arms.

Also the muscles in our arms are shrinking less than their normal size which gives an unattractive look for many women so it is no wonder there are many women’s arm exercises which are used trying to reverse these undesirable outcomes.

Before I provide you with some women’s arm exercises that I really think should be part of any women’s arm workout, I must say that you also need to include some calorie burning aerobic and anaerobic training if you have an excess of fat around your arms.

But if you are fairly lean and think you don’t need to lose any more weight then the below arm exercises for women should do the trick for you.

The Women arm exercises below will target the:


-Triceps and the


Two Effective Arm Exercises for Women

The Narrow Hand Stand Push-up

-Assume the hand push up position except your hand placement will be slightly narrower than a shoulder width apart; that way the focus will shift more on the triceps muscles.

-Lower your body just before the chest touches the floor and then push up until you lockout the elbows.

A few words about the narrow push-up exercise is that you can modify the exercise if it’s too challenging for you to perform by using knees as a support rather than your feet.

Also, the narrower the grip or hands’ placement the more focus you place on your triceps, but start with a shoulder-width apart and gradually go narrower.

Chin-ups and Pull-ups

This is a tough exercise for many women and even men for that matter; however, it is worth the practice to become good at it and eventually be performing 8-12 or even more repetitions.

The chin-up exercise is where you hold the bar with your palms facing you and pull-ups is the opposite; the palms facing away.

Varying between the two arms’ exercises for women is beneficial to the forearms too, and not only the biceps.


-Hold the bar firmly with both hands and keep the whole body steady during the lift to prevent it from swinging

-Lift up as high as you can bringing the chin just higher than the bar

-And then slowly bring the body all the way down like dead-hangingThen lift up again.

About the Author

Mohamad’s expertise is in fitness for women. Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

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Mohamad Al

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Mohamad’s expertise is in fitness for women. Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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