AST Sport Science GL3 L-Glutamine, Micronized, 18.52 oz

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Ultra-fast absorption and utilization
  • Dietary supplement
  • Anabolic support formula

Product Description
Dietary supplement. Anabolic support formula. Strength. Size. Recovery. New Micronized GL3 L-Glutamine represents a leap forward in glutamine supplementation. GL3 uses a state-of-art-Particle Micronization Technology (PMT). Each tiny particle of GL3 is 20 times smaller than regular glutamine powder. This allows for ultra-fast absorption and utilization. Glutamine represents over 63% of the amino acid content in the amino acid pool of muscle tissue. Intense training … More >>

AST Sport Science GL3 L-Glutamine, Micronized, 18.52 oz

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