Australia’s Best Kettlebell Training

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Andrew Read

Australia’s Best Kettlebell Training – Health – Fitness

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Unlike the commercial gyms that can be seen (or heard) from every corner of every road, Dragon Door Australia doesn’t have the radio blaring. There are no mirrors on the walls and there are no flat screen televisions to entertain people. In fact, there are no machines and there is no sitting down. There are just kettlebells, and lots of them. That’s all Andrew Read needs.

These days he is best known as the head of Dragon Door Australia, the nation’s best kettlebell training business.

Who are Dragon Door?

Dragon Door set the bar very high with their trademark Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) back in 2001 and many other fitness businesses have tried to cash in on the popularity of Dragon Door’s system and reputation. Previously in Australia there were only those interested in jumping on the bandwagon and trying to use kettlebells popularity to quickly make some cash.

Dragon Door are well regarded within the fitness industry for leading the way in kettlebell training and functional strength training. Now for the first time in Australia customers can get access to the best kettlebell training available, from authentically trained RKC instructors.

What’s so special about kettlebells really? There’s a misconception among trainers that they’re just the same as any other form of resistance, except that they swing them around a bit. Yet a properly trained RKC will be able to show you how a single kettlebell can transform the body, strengthen it, add flexibility and power as well as sculpt muscle and shed fat.

The thing that has given RKCs the reputation as the best kettlebell instructors is that they understand the body and how a kettlebell can be an integral part of your transformation physically.

The kettlebell (and when I say that I really mean the RKC system), is the best way to train with kettlebells. It is designed around safety and performance and when the two are combined they are an unmatchable combination for fat loss, strength and overall health and fitness.

Why are kettlebells so popular with women?

Since Tim Ferriss’ bestselling book The Four Hour Body came out, more and more women are becoming interested in strength training and in particular, kettlebells. Currently, more than eighty per cent of clients at Dragon Door Australia are women and almost half of attendees at our instructor courses are women.

They fall in love when they see the kind of results we’re getting from the right diet and kettlebell training – the weight virtually falls off them – how’s 20kg in 16 weeks sound?

The unique benefit of the kettlebell is that it allows the body to work hard for long periods of time. This raises lactic acid levels, which then boosts growth hormone production and increases fat burning. A single clean and jerk can burn roughly fifteen calories; and Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) can increase for up to thirty-eight hours afterwards by up to twenty per cent. Or to put it in easy-to-understand terms – a hard kettlebell workout can burn more calories per hour than running, is safer on your joints and can continue to burn an additional four hundred calories. That’s the same as an extra half hour of running. Is it any wonder women serious about getting in shape are turning to kettlebells to discover for themselves how to shape the perfect posterior, burn calories, gain strength and regain their bodies? And all in one hand held gym!

How can people train at Dragon Door Australia?Dragon Door Australia is locate din Moorabbin, Melbourne Australia. Their website is located at for more information. With the best kettlebell training and instruction on offer in the country classes are busy and fill quickly. But when the clients are getting such fast results who can blame them!

About the Author

Andrew Read, RKC Team Leader is regarded as Australia’s best kettlebell trainer and has been responsible for helping hundreds of people fit into their skinny jeans.

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Andrew Read

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Andrew Read, RKC Team Leader is regarded as Australia’s best kettlebell trainer and has been responsible for helping hundreds of people fit into their skinny jeans.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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