2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Frank Marconi

2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Ultimate ab training continues with this weeks installment of the world’s best ab exercises designed to help you progress your quest to conquer the elusive 6 pack abs workout challenge and get those lean, ripped, sculpted abs you want!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to the 12 weeks to six pack abs workout series for week 3. Hopefully by now these 10 minute ab routines have become a part of your daily routine and you are doing them on at least 3 or 4 times a week.

It is now time to step it up a notch and try and do these ab routines everyday! If you are having trouble being consistent at doing these workouts, I suggest you pick a time during the day to do them. This means everyday you do the workout at the same time. For best results, I would suggest doing them first thing in the morning. I typically do this and its great because its the first thing I do when I get up. It relaxes me and lets me think about what I need to do during the day and then sets my mind at ease as I know I have done something healthy for my body! So again, I encourage you to pick a time during the day that you are going to dedicate and set aside for yourself so that you can consistently get these workouts in. Remember, it only takes 10 minutes to complete, its going to make you feel great and its going to get you those results that you are looking for! Those results are what is going to keep you motivated to continue so get that motivation and determination and do it! Trust me, you will be happy you did at the end of these 12 weeks! Now lets get right into those ab exercises!

12 Week To Six Pack Abs Workout Series – Week 3

Exercise 1: Plate 8’s

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 8 Reps per Set

Exercise 2: Recliner Press Crunch

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 To 15 Reps Per Set

Exercise 3: Side Plank Rotations

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Reps per Side per Set

Exercise 4: Physioball Rollouts

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & as Many Reps as You Can

Exercise 5: Physioball Skier Tuck

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Tucks per Side per Set

Once you have finished your sets, don’t forget to drink as much water as you can. As mentioned in last week’s article, the more water you drink the better. Try to aim for between 80 to 100 ounces a day (2.5 to 3 liters). Also, hopefully you are focusing on lowering your fat intake too.

Don’t forget to do the exercises presented above with as few breaks as possible. Once you have completed the exercises, repeat the circuit again. Training in this fashion is called circuit training and will help you build your abdonminal strength and your muscular endurance and get you that healthy, lean, athletic and muscular look.

Circuit training workouts are great ways to get your body into ultimate shape but you need to be organized when you do it and it needs to have variety and you need to ensure you are switching it up on a regular basis. The reason for this is because your body adapts quickly to workouts and the best way to continually achieve results is to ensure your body is continually in a state of shock. Therefore you should strive to organize yourself and ensure your training is organized over several months with a nutritional plan to follow as well. Get a ripped, lean, athletic body is not rocket science. You just need discipline, commitment and a great circuit training workout and nutritional plan.

For a free video demonstration of the exercises presented above, please follow the link: Get Ripped Abs Workouts

For information on the ultimate circuit training workout and nutritional program, packed with over 60 workouts to help you burn fat, build muscle, get ripped and get you in the best shape of your life, please follow the link: Ultimate Workout & Nutritional Program

About the Author

Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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Frank Marconi

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Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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Heart Healthy

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Susun Weed

Heart Healthy – Health

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copyright Susun S. Weed

Excerpt from: New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 by Susun S. Weed”Open your heart to me, my own,” whispers Grandmother Growth so softly you aren’t certain you hear her. “Open the wisdom way of compassion here in your heart and draw me inside. Let Grandmother Growth be inside you, helping you encompass the whole, in the beat of your own heart, my heart, Crone’s heart.”

Step 0: Do Nothing

Thinking of taking hormone replacement to keep your heart healthy? Think again. Data released in April of the year 2000, from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative, showed “a small increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in the lungs of women on hormone replacement compared with women on placebo.” The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), completed in 1998, found the same connection. For a healthy heart, don’t take hormones.

“Recently released data from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative suggests that during the first two years of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy there is a slightly greater risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots.”

Heart disease is America’s top killer (claiming a life every 34 seconds). Women aged 30-50 have far less risk of heart disease than a man their age. But postmenopausal women die from heart disease at rates as high as men’s. (Women account for 51 percent of all cardiovascular deaths; men, 49 percent.) Is it lack of estrogen?

No. Estrogen does lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, but cholesterol is only weakly linked to heart disease, especially in women. (Most heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol levels.)

Estrogen raises blood pressure (one of the top three reasons for heart attacks in women), increases triglycerides, promotes clotting (a leading factor in heart attacks and strokes), and raises levels of C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation associated with heart disease). Take progestins/progesterone too and you increase your risk of heart disease even more. Hormone replacement really isn’t heart healthy.

Aren’t there studies linking estrogen usage to lowered risk of heart disease? Only retrospective ones, which cannot establish a cause-and-effect link. And the women in those studies ate well, exercised regularly, and were unlikely to smoke – behaviors that are critical to heart health. The simple truth is more than 90 percent of all heart disease is preventable with lifestyle choices.

The three top risk factors for heart disease in women are too much belly fat, smoking, and untreated hypertension. High cholesterol is one of the top three risk factors for men, but not for women. (This is because, after menopause, we make heart healthy hormones from our cholesterol.)

Step 1: Collect Information

The Nurses Health Study – which followed 86,000 women for 14 years – shows what happens to those wise old Crones who follow heart healthy behaviors:

Excellent Belly Crusher * New Abdominal Exercises intended for Your own home

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Zachary Martin

Excellent Belly Crusher * New Abdominal Exercises intended for Your own home – Home

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Anyone who lets you know different is definitely speaking via wishful thinking. You can target pertaining to power, you can decrease abdominal fat as well as other body fat on your physique, and you will accomplish particular physical exercises to that will area. Keep in mind as well, that will eating routine will play a VERY important role in lessening your stomach fat.Only adding these physical exercises into your typical work out may help struck individuals ab muscles striking that will belly fat. These in addition to aerobic, resistance training, as well as stretches may have your body healthy very quickly. Keep the diet regime in order to low highly processed, pure meals. This may steer clear of bloating and also unecessary chemicals that your physique doesn’t have.Below are a few efficient workouts pertaining to focusing on the central & tummy place. You can start together with bodyweight along with improve the difficulty with the addition of level of resistance through weight load, weight vests, discs, or even medicine balls.1) The Plank exercise: One of the most effective primary strengthening workout routines, all to easy to accomplish in your house, and intensely efficient regarding securing ab muscles2) The Bicycle: Goals obliques although smacking your current midst tummy region. Perfect for having your heart rate way up and for just fortifying all of your belly area.3) The Stomach Wheel: A new ore challenging primary exercising, the abdominal controls is ideal for centering on interesting the abs in the course of exercising. The idea strengthens your current ab muscles when using your shoulders as well as arms to manage your movement.4) Turkish Getup: A more compound physical exercise, nevertheless just the thing for interesting ab muscles and keeping your own stomach muscle tissue strong. Might help using management in all motions and also posture.5) The Crunch: For all those using rear issues on account of injury, ailment, or simply ordinary fragile ab muscles, this is a straightforward however effective exercising for focusing on your belly place. Preserving your own back again smooth will help you to maintain the strain away from your back and ensure that is stays most on your core & tummy region especially.6) Decline Reverse Crunch: This can be perfect for showing up in the lower abdomen location, and keep the back level as well as abdominal muscles involved. Through relocating the bottom half the body, a person focus on much more of your own hip flexors and minimize abdomen location. Remember, distinct is good for maintaining the body working it really is hardest in every physical exercise!7) Dumbbell Row in Plank: One of the better substance exercises, this particular goals your own primary while dealing with your shoulder blades & rear as well. It takes that you participate your abs to guide the body as well as keep yourself nonetheless whilst undertaking the actual activity.Only introducing these exercises into your standard exercise routine will help hit those stomach muscles and hit which fat around your belly. These along with cardio exercise, weight training, and also stretching out could have your system fit in no time. Keep the diet regime to non prepared, normal food items. This can stay away from bloatedness and unecessary substances that the entire body does not need.

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www.exercise-search.com is an an easy way to uncover new workouts to include to your workout. The workout lookup engine is created to organize physical exercises by muscle group and devices variety. Indication up now for a totally free account!muscle and fitness, lose weight fast, weight loss tips

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www.exercise-search.com is an an easy way to uncover new workouts to include to your workout. The workout lookup engine is created to organize physical exercises by muscle group and devices variety. Indication up now for a totally free account!muscle and fitness, lose weight fast, weight loss tips

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The Top Five Supplements for Physical Fitness Training

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Bryant Towell

The Top Five Supplements for Physical Fitness Training – Health

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When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals. If you want to spend your money right, focus on the following five supplements for physical fitness training.

1. Protein Powder

If you’re only going to buy one supplement, make it a quality protein powder. Most lifters like to go with whey – a low-fat, low-carb byproduct of cheese production. It’s the most common type of protein on the market, and you can easily find a brand that tastes great, mixes well, and won’t break the bank. Unless you’ve got tons of time to cook meat and eggs, you’ll probably need a powder to get all of your protein in.

2. Creatine

For decades, creatine has proven to be one of the best supplements for physical fitness training. It helps your body to quickly create more ATP – the cellular energy your muscles need. Most people who use it are able to get a couple more reps on their toughest sets. That may not sound like much, but it’s progress that can seriously add up over time! Creatine isn’t magic, but it’s dirt cheap and highly effective.

3. Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched chain amino acids, or BCAA, is one of the best supplements for rapid muscle recovery. They can accelerate muscle growth, reduce soreness, and allow you to train hard without running yourself into the ground. If you’re on a diet, they can also help you preserve lean mass – a crucial goal whether you’re a bodybuilder or just someone trying to get into better shape.

4. Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the most important nutrients for good health. However, they are most often found in nuts, salmon, and other expensive foods. To make sure you get plenty of Omega-3s, supplement with a quality fish oil. It’ll also help to combat inflammation in your joints, which is a real concern for people who lift heavy in their physical fitness training.

5. Caffeine

There are tons of “pre-workout” supplements on the market these days. Most of them make outrageous claims about how much they’ll increase your strength, or how energized they’ll make you feel. In reality, most of them just give people the jitters and don’t do anything for their actual workout performance.

If you want an honest boost in energy, just take some caffeine! Provided you don’t have a killer caffeine addiction, a couple cups of coffee or tea are more than enough to power you through your workout. Unless you’re on a low-carb physical fitness training plan, eating some fruit or sweet potatoes can also give you an even keel of energy.

About the Author

When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals.

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When it comes to physical fitness training, quality nutrition is the real key to success. Still, great physical fitness training plans should also include effective supplementation. There are a lot of scams and bogus products on the market, but the tried and true supplements will help you accomplish your goals.

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The physical training program at Officer Candidates School is intense. Officers need the stamina and confidence to lead Marines in physically demanding situations, and that preparation begins here. You will complete endurance hikes of up to 15 miles in full combat gear, obstacle courses such as the elevated “Tarzan” course and combat conditioning, including a 3.5-mile combat simulation course. At the beginning and end of training, you’ll take a physical fitness test that includes a 3-mile run, pull-ups and crunches. You are expected to maintain a high fitness level for as long as you are a candidate, and throughout your career. To achieve this, candidates train with their Officer Selection Officers before and after Officer Candidates School. Visit bit.ly for more information about becoming a Marine Officer.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Support Worker Training

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Evergreen College

Support Worker Training – Education – Online Education

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Support worker training is offered depending on the kind of support to be provided. This training helps you assist people with some kind of disability due to various reasons. Training is provided to assist with the below services:

• Physical disabilities• Mental Impairments• Rehabilitation patients• Old age • Daily activities• Childbirth educatorsThe above mentioned services can be provided only after being trained in that particular field. There are many factors involved when taking care of different disabilities. Physically disabled people will need assistance in moving around. Services to such clients will include, bathing, transferring the client from room to room, bed to chair, assistance in using the toilet, cooking and so on. A mentally disabled person will need more attention and professional handling so that the client or patient does not injure himself/herself or others around them. Rehabilitation patients will need professional counseling as they can be very rebellious and stubborn.

Childbirth educators are also known as Support workers because they provide emotional support, and advice during pregnancy to women and their families. Training in this field is not that of a midwife but of an advisor. Daily Activity Support worker Training includes services such as general housekeeping, cooking, running small errands, laundry, bathing, transferring and feeding the patient/client.

Necessity of Support Worker TrainingIt is very necessary that a support work is well trained. They will be handling different kinds of clients and patients that might include dealing with behavioral challenges. It will not be possible for an untrained support works to take care of a mentally impaired patient. An old person will require regular health monitoring, timely diet and first aid in times of illness. CPR is another important training that needs to be acquired as the Support Worker might need to perform it on their clients/patients in emergencies.

Support worker Training helps the worker in performing duties confidently and with skill. Physiotherapy is a skill in support working that is required especially if the client or patient has a physical disability. Speech therapy is another sort out skill in support workings. These skills can only be achieved through Support Worker Training. The training will also include safety tips, dietary planning and administering of medication. They have an option of either working in private homes, old age homes, rehabilitation centers, hospitals and clinics. Support worker training ensures that patient/client records are maintained on their progress, infection control and personal care skills are learnt. An untrained support worked may not take such measures while providing service. A support workers needs to undergo training so that professional service is rendered with skills. These training courses in Mississauga help them to embed in their minds the right teachings through professionals and to have bright career path as well.

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colleges in torontopersonal support workermedical office administrationpharmacy assistantcommunity service workerquickbooks trainingEvergreen College

Support worker training is of different categories depending on the support to be provided. Browsing through http://evergreencollege.ca will give you a better picture.

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colleges in torontopersonal support workermedical office administrationpharmacy assistantcommunity service workerquickbooks trainingEvergreen College

Support worker training is of different categories depending on the support to be provided. Browsing through http://evergreencollege.ca will give you a better picture.

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First DVD which explains running technique in detail. In depth explanation and training methods. Usefully for every jogger / runner. Presented by Dr. Andre Albrecht from Germany. You can order the complete DVD directly from his website at: www.intro-wolfsburg.de
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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The Right Plyometric Workout for You

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Michael Hlatky

The Right Plyometric Workout for You – Sports – Basketball

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What is the right plyometric workout for you? I mean, are all plyo programs the same? You can type in the words “plyometric workout” into Google and spend the rest of your life looking through all the results that come up. Why are there so many different workout regimens if all of the plyo routines are the same? The answer is, they are not all created equal. Different people require different exercises. All of our bodies and goals are different. You might just want to add 4 inches to your vertical in the fastest time possible. I may want to work a program for a full six months very hard to see just exactly what my maximum vertical height is, and what I can attain. As you see, there are all sorts of goals out there for all sorts of bodies with all sorts of commitment levels. You need a program set up specifically for you. The perfect plyometric program for you needs to take three things into account.

1 – Your body is uniquely yours.Out of the 7 billion people currently living on planet earth, do you know how many are like you? The answer is zero. Not one single person is identical to you physically, mentally or emotionally. So since your body is different from everyone else’s, why are you using an exercise program made with a “one size fits all” answer? To maximize your vertical explosion, you want a plyometric workout made just for you.

2 – Your goals are uniquely yours.As mentioned before, your the goals of a high school sophomore that just got cut, and wants to be ready a year from now will be different from a college student trying to make the team in ninety days. A recreational user is not going to have the same goals as a player trying to make the move from the Professional European Basketball League to the NBA. Because of this, you need a program set up with your goals in mind so you can see progress, and not get frustrated.

3 – Your commitment level is uniquely yours.Maybe you only want to exercise twice a week for an hour a day. Perhaps you really want to accelerate your growth and employ a proven plyometric workout 5 times weekly and really push yourself. The idea here is that only you know how driven you are, and your workout should be tailored for your commitment level.

Getting a plyometric workout tailored specifically to your unique situation is the key to dramatic results, and hyper hops.

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To get a CUSTOM MADE plyometric workout tailored to YOUR needs, be sure to check out vertical mastery. It will almost guarantee that you will add 5+ inches to your vertical!

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To get a CUSTOM MADE plyometric workout tailored to YOUR needs, be sure to check out vertical mastery. It will almost guarantee that you will add 5+ inches to your vertical!

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Functional Training for Speed and Agility

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Mark Wine CSCS ; NASM PT, CES, PES

Functional Training for Speed and Agility – Health – Fitness

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Speed is one of the most highly sought after goals of an athletic performance training regimen. However, speed is one of the hardest traits to acquire, unless it comes natural. Before undergoing speed and agility training it is important to have an understanding of certain characteristics that go hand in hand with speed and agility. Training and activating the stretch shortening cycle is the hidden gym when training for Speed & Agility performance.

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is highly active when utilizing plyometric exercises. “Plyometric exercise is a quick powerful movement using a prestretch, or countermovement, that involves the SSC. The purpose of plyometrics are to increase power of subsequent movements by using both the natural elastic components of muscle and tendon and the stretch reflex” [2 – pg.414]. The SSC utilizes tendons and ligaments in a spring like action, therefore limiting the amount of ground reaction force (GRF). The GRF is the amount of time your limbs stay on the ground during sprints and/or running. Faster athletes have more power in their lower body musculature and therefore have less GRF during sprints.

How do you train the SSC? Training for the SSC requires specific plyometric training (i.e. box jumps, hurdles, jumping, etc…). However, not all plyometrics training are created equal. Utilize mini hurdles or a plyometric that utilizes bouncing (springing) as a technique to the exercise are more efficient. For example, try this workout combination:1. Perform Back Squats for 3 sets of 8 repetitions with a moderate to heavy load (weight)

– Superset (perform right after) the back squats with a bouncing (SSC) plyometric, such as 2-1 jumps, mini hurdle jump over, or repetitive box jumps utilizing limited GRF.

Performing back squats will breakdown leg musculature, which will result in strength and power gains. Leg musculature will in turn be capable of generating more power for greater speed and agility. Following this complex exercise with a SSC plyometric will further generate power adaptations. Due to the nature of the countermovement plyometric, if performed properly, you will activate tendons and ligaments as springs and not exhaust leg musculature like a full squat jump. The combination of strength and power lifting with a SSC plyometric will create an environment similar to that of real time competition requiring repeated bouts of high reaction forces that are similar to sprinting and sports.

Bilateral (two leg) hurdle jumps, or bilateral repetitive box jumps, are shown to utilize higher forces than other traditional jumping exercises (including regular box jumps). Sprinting and Agility require high forces when contacting the ground, SSC plyometrics require comparable forces. Therefore, it is theorized that creating a training environment with similar forces is highly sought after. “Bilateral jumps over hurdles are an excellent exercise to stimulate contact time and reaction forces because the values are similar or even superior than traditional resistance exercises such as squats, hang cleans, and loaded jumps” [3].

Bilateral jumps activating the SSC are preferable due to the shorter contact time and higher forces of the jump. However, do not neglect to utilize unilateral or alternating jumps. Running requires alternating unilateral jumps, utilizing the SSC, over and over again. Therefore, the athlete with the greatest amount of power and ability to spring from step to step will be faster, quicker, and more agile. When incorporating unilateral and/or alternating unilateral jumps into a plyometric regimen, it might be advantageous to seek plyometrics that allow less contact time. Examples include mini hurdles, mini cones and repetitive low box jumps.

It is important to note that bilateral jumps do not perfectly replicate real time competition contact times; neither do unilateral jumps. However, utilizing both bilateral and alternating unilateral repetitive jumps, which activate the SSC, creates an environment similar to that of sprinting / competition in terms of ground contact time and rate of force development (RFD).

Listed are some of the most effective plyometric exercises that activate the SSC:

– Repetitive Box Jumps (bilateral and unilateral) – spring up and down keeping a dorsi flexed position in your feet and a slight knee bend; the less time you spend on the ground the betterwww.functionalmusclefitness.com

– 2-1 Box Jumps – just like repetitive box jumps, keep your feet in a dorsi flexed position and a slight knee bend to allow for greater spring (less contact time)

– Mini Hurdle Jump Over – utilize both unilateral and bilateral; when performing unilateral, it might be advantageous to use the smallest hurdle, maybe even short cones.

– Unilateral Side-to-Side Short Box Jump Over – this plyometric is highly advanced, therefore, novice athletes who have not been engaged in athletic performance training should start with bilateral jumps. Once they have shown the ability to perform bilateral repetitive box jumps then they can perform bilateral side-to-side short box jump over.

(Check out http://www.functionalmusclefitness.com “exercise of the week” to see these exercises in action, plus more)

Sources1. Training Specificity of Hurdle vs. Countermovement Jump Trainingby, Dario F. Cappa and David G. BehmJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research©2011 National Strength and Conditioning AssociationVolume 25, Number 10, October 20112. The Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (3rd edition).By, National Strength and Conditioning AssociationEditors: Thomas R. Baechle and Roger W. Earle©2008, 2000, 19943. Optimal loading for maximal power output during lower-body resistance exercisesCormie, P, McCaulley, GO, Triplett, NT, and Mcbride, JM.Medical Science Sports Exercise 39: 340-349, 2007

About the Author

Strength Coach Mark Wine is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best trainers in the country for his work with NFL Players, high school and middle school athletes, as well as Olympic hopefuls. With his new athletic performance training center Functional Muscle Fitness he hopes to redefine sports performance / gym training.

For custom workouts, exercise videos and more check out http://functionalmusclefitness.com/

or check us out on Facebook http://facebook.com/Functionalmusclefitness/

Functional Muscle Fitness LLC1091 Shary CircleConcord, Ca 94518(925) 689-3631 ‎

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Strength Coach Mark Wine is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the best trainers in the country for his work with NFL Players, high school and middle school athletes, as well as Olympic hopefuls. With his new athletic performance training center Functional Muscle Fitness he hopes to redefine sports performance / gym training.

For custom workouts, exercise videos and more check out http://functionalmusclefitness.com/

or check us out on Facebook http://facebook.com/Functionalmusclefitness/

Functional Muscle Fitness LLC1091 Shary CircleConcord, Ca 94518(925) 689-3631 ‎

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Being Smart About Workouts To Gain Muscle Mass Fast

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Matt Stevens

Being Smart About Workouts To Gain Muscle Mass Fast – Health – Weight Loss

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It goes without saying that you have to work out if you want to build muscle mass. If you do not do that, how can you expect to achieve your goals? Unfortunately, there are many problems that you might end up being faced with. Most beginners simply take a workout that they find online and use it. Keep in mind that you might end up using one that has a different objective than yours.

The Importance of Compound Exercises

Your main focus needs to be on mainly using compound exercises because of the fact that these are a lot more effective. These are basically exercises that will target many muscle groups at the same time. The best possible examples that can be given are: squats, bench presses, bent over rows, shoulder presses, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, leg presses and push-ups.

Compound exercises are important because they help you to promote overall muscle mass growth. When you use isolation exercises you basically just work on one muscle group. The others are not affected. Such an approach is great for professional bodybuilders that work on problematic areas but it is not helpful when your only goal is to pack on as much muscle as possible.

How to Work Out to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

My recommendation is to pick just 2 exercises for every single primary muscle group. Your aim should be to do around 4 to 8 sets in total through these 2 exercises. Also, if you want to increase your power, you can focus on 3 to 6 repetitions on every set. If your goal is to simply grow in size, you have to perform 6 to 12 repetitions in one set. When you do 12 to 20 repetitions, you are basically building muscular endurance.

When you create your workout plan, focus on one that will permit you to work on every major muscle group around 2 times per week. At least one day of rest between training the same group needs to be included so that the muscle can recover. If you do not allow this rest period, you will not promote muscle growth as the cells are damaged.

Putting on Muscle Mass and Staying Ripped

If you are only interested in putting on muscle mass, the tips above are more than enough. However, if you want to also stay ripped while doing this, you will need to include cardio sessions as well while paying a really close attention to your diet plan. It is simply similar to what you to do lose weight.

There are some people that will tell you that you should simply eat as much as you can and to work as hard as your body allows you to. This is an approach that might work for you. It did for me. The problem is that you will surely also gain fat during this period. When all is over, it will be necessary to start doing things differently so that you can see how to get ripped. What is important is to always stay focused on gaining information and to listen to your body.

About the Author

I struggled with building muscle mass for a long time until I properly understood how simple it is. The tips mentioned above are just a small part of what I learned during a long time. I would like to personally invite you to visit one of my sites, how2gainweightfast.org, where I talk about this subject and teach people all that is necessary to gain as much muscle mass as possible in the shortest amount of time.

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Matt Stevens

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I struggled with building muscle mass for a long time until I properly understood how simple it is. The tips mentioned above are just a small part of what I learned during a long time. I would like to personally invite you to visit one of my sites, how2gainweightfast.org, where I talk about this subject and teach people all that is necessary to gain as much muscle mass as possible in the shortest amount of time.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Reviewing the Iron Gym Extreme

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Mike Dutton

Reviewing the Iron Gym Extreme – Health – Fitness

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If you’re looking for a bit more in your workout routine and would like to add to your current one then the next step may just be the Iron Gym Xtreme. This is not your average pull up bar but it has much more to offer. The Xtreme version is the level up from the basic one which allows you more gripping positions to better customize your workout.

There are many benefits to this unique device. One of the highlights of this is that it does not need to be mounted with any type of hardware in order for it to be used. It can be taken right out of the box and placed in any standard doorframe and it’s ready to use. It can also be placed on the floor of the frame to be used for exercises such as sit-ups. It can then be taken right to the open floor to be used for a variety of pushups and dips that help target your triceps and biceps. All of these moves can be made with ease because it never has to be permanently mounted.

Another strong benefit that this device has going for it is the low price. The basic Iron Gym can be purchased for around $ 30 in most brick and mortar locations or on sites like Amazon.com. If you want to get a bit more out of the device and decide to go with the Xtreme edition you can expect to pay about an additional $ 10. So for just $ 40 you get the best version available and it will surely be worth every penny.

There are a few minor cons to the product that I’ve seen overall. The first is related to the weight that the unit can stand up to. If you are an individual that weighs more than 300lbs it not recommended that you use this bar. It can lead to injury to you as well as the doorframe you’re using it on. Although it is a very solid unit, it is just not made for this type of weight.

The only other con is the misleading approach to the “free” ab strap bonus. It seems in some cases that you’re getting this add-on to your bar for free but in all reality you need to send in the form that comes in the box and pay the shipping and handling in order to receive these. The shipping and handling is a fair price I would say so if you wanted to add these it would be worth it.

If you are looking for a great way to get in shape and get the results you want in the shortest amount of time the Iron Gym Xtreme is the way to go. It’s cheap, it’s solid and with steady use of all of the different exercises it has to offer you can look forward to the body you’ve been wanting in just a few months.

About the Author

Get more information on the Iron Gym on my blog along with discounts and more. Remember the Iron Gym Xtreme will prove itself to you in just a few weeks time if you stick with it. Good luck and thank you for reading.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Mike Dutton

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Get more information on the Iron Gym on my blog along with discounts and more. Remember the Iron Gym Xtreme will prove itself to you in just a few weeks time if you stick with it. Good luck and thank you for reading.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Water Rower S4-Ash S4 Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood Accessories: Heart Rate Kit

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
Water Rower S4-Ash The WaterRower Natural is hand crafted in solid ash and stained honey oak for consistency of color. Features: -Performance monitor – The series 4 performance monitor has been designed to balance technical sophistication with user – friendliness. -The monitor has 6 information and programming windows, 6 quick selection buttons and 3 navigation buttons. -It displays workout intensity, stroke rate, heart rate, zone bar, duration, and distance. -Compa… More >>

Water Rower S4-Ash S4 Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood Accessories: Heart Rate Kit

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