The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Dr. Rose Windale

The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics – Health

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Low impact water aerobics is a fun and exciting means of getting in shape. Done in chest deep water, low impact water aerobics may involve some warm ups and stretching as well as cool down exercises. Low impact water aerobics may also include entertaining dance steps while wallowing in the pool. Unlike high impact aerobic exercises that leave you sore and drain all the energy out of you, low impact water aerobics can give you an energetic and refreshed feeling afterwards. A large percentage of individuals find it difficult to adhere to a regular aerobic exercise regimen as they can eventually lose enthusiasm in doing the exercises.

High impact aerobics can be so painstaking that the concept of exercising has become tormenting to so many people. Some people eventually lose interest in exercising as they are not aware that they can do low impact exercises with maximum health benefits. Such is the case of low impact water aerobics. The program actually doesn’t require a person to do backbreaking vigorous exercises. There may be minimal strenuous activities in low intensity water aerobics but the program can be remarkably efficient as the exercises are done in the water. As the water provides resistance while executing the exercises, low impact water aerobics can be effective in flexing the muscles thereby building up muscular strength.

Unlike high impact aerobic exercises, low intensity water aerobics doesn’t leave you aching and exhausted as you don’t have to do all those jumping and heavy stretching. The exercises may be done in the water but this doesn’t put pressure on the body at all. Wading in the water can be cool and invigorating, thus less effort is required in low impact water aerobics. People of all ages are capable of doing low intensity water aerobics from children to adults and the elderly. Even pregnant women can benefit from the program as it has been proven to be less arduous and is safe.

When incorporated into a health regimen, low impact water aerobics doesn’t run the risk of damaging the bones and the joints that’s why the elderly are able to carry them out. Weak bones and wobbly joints are not impediments in enjoying water aerobics which is synonymous with an exciting, relaxed way of regularly doing an exercise program. For expecting mothers, low intensity water aerobics can even be safe for their babies. If an individual has a medical condition that may inhibit him from doing strenuous physical activities, low impact water aerobics can be one of the best choices to be fit and well.

Low intensity aqua aerobics may require less effort in exercising with a minimal duration of 45 minutes but it has a big impact on the health. It will aid in the rapid burning of calories thereby causing weight loss. Consequently, an individual will feel better as he looks better. Low impact water aerobics is also beneficial for the heart as it enhances the endurance of the cardiovascular muscles. Implementing low impact aqua aerobics as an inclusion to the health regimen will prove not only beneficial to the body but to the overall well-being as well. Providing an individual with an easygoing yet helpful means of exercising as well as having fun socializing with other participants in the program, low impact water aerobics can also be an enjoyable way of socializing and gaining friends.

Low impact water aerobics can be one of the ultimate solutions for a unique, enjoyable and safe way for an exercise regimen that would promote fitness and overall well-being.

About the Author

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at

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Dr. Rose Windale

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The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at

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Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jack Griffith

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Softball Training Equipment – Tips to Improve Game Performance

If you’re a serious softball enthusiast, or even if you’re just helping your son or daughter develop some strength and accuracy for little league, then you’re probably on the lookout for softball training equipment.

There are actually many items available to help you improve your performance as a softball player. This article will discuss some of the softball training equipment that’s out there in order to help you decide what may be of benefit to you or your kids.

Softball Training Equipment Starts With the Basics – Balls and Bats

Every softball game needs a ball. And since every softball player will handle the ball at some point, there are weighted softballs that can help to increase strength as well as improve accuracy.

Imagine training with a ball that is 9, 10, 12 ounces or more. The heavier ball allows players to develop a strong arm and increase pitch speed. As the player gets accustomed to the heavier ball, he also learns to throw with greater accuracy. A set of 4 weighted training softballs will have an approximate price of $ 25.

Whether you’re an outfielder or a pitcher, weighted training softballs can help you throw better, faster, and get the ball to your intended target – not overthrown or underthrown. When you get into the game and throw the regulation 6.5 ounce softball, it will feel like you’re throwing a ball made of styrofoam!

The next piece of softball training equipment that you’ll want to consider is the training bat.

Some training bats come with adjustable weights that hang on the end of the bat. They look like a bat that has a ring stuck on the end.

These weights allow the player to increase swing strength and encourages “muscle memory,” which is where the muscles involved in the swing become used to the initial short swing to hit the ball, and then the long follow-through after the hit.

This type of training bat can also be used to warm up, helping the muscles to loosen up before the player’s at-bat. Training bats typically run from $ 35 to about $ 70.

Batting Tees and Pitching Machines

Of course, most of us are familiar with the batting tee and pitching machines.

Batting tees basically hold the ball off the ground so that the player can practice hits and home runs. They typically run $ 25 to $ 200 or more, depending upon their level of sophistication.

Pitching machines are the next piece of softball training equipment we’ll discuss. These have come a long way since the expensive machines of a few years ago. Today, you can get a nice pitching machine that will throw 30 mph balls at regular intervals for as little as $ 40!

Reaction Balls and Soft Mitts

A newer piece of softball training equipment is the reaction ball. This is a ball with “bumps” on it. It can be used for fielding practice or just tossed between two players. When the reaction ball hits the ground, it will bounce in unpredictable manners, allowing players to improve reaction time and hand-and-eye coordination.

Soft mitts are flat, foam mitts that train the player to improve the relationship between his two hands. The mitt encourages “quick hands,” or the transition from catching the ball to throwing. It fits on the hand with three small elastic loops, and works well for honing fielding skills.

These run $ 15 to $ 20 and can fit on either hand.

Softball Training Equipment for Strength and Conditioning

There are additional softball training aids that can increase strength and condition of specific areas of your body.

For example, there is the wrist roller, which uses different weighted plates to develop strength in forearms. Reviewers have indicated that you can really feel the burn in your forearms!

Another aid is the power chute, which is a small parachute attached to your waist to increase wind resistance as he jogs. This allows the player to build up stronger thigh muscles as he runs trailing the power chute behind. This piece of softball training equipment can also increase stamina and acceleration.

Many baseball players are using titanium necklaces and bracelets, stating that titanium increases blood circulation and helps to relieve stiff muscles. Titanium is also available in a “power sleeve,” which is said to concentrate the titanium in your arms to increase power and reduce any muscle fatigue.

One final piece of softball training equipment that has received good reviews is a drill mat. The mat absorbs the impact of jumping jacks and other up-and-down type motions to reduce impact on joints. While this has been encouraged as a softball training aid, it can also be used by athletes of all disciplines.

Softball training equipment can significantly improve game performance for the little league player as well as the serious athlete.

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This author really enjoys home and family, and lives life to the full. Do you also like to try new things? Then feel free to learn more at

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Top Ten Physical exercises For Football Strength and Speed

September 24, 2012 by  
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Article by JERRI CRANE

Top Ten Physical exercises For Football Strength and Speed – Sports

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Way too many football players and strength coaches develop favorite lifts (usually one’s they’re proficient at) and stick to them no matter what. I’ve run into guys I trained having a decade ago and they are still doing the same workouts! I don’t mean exactly the same philosophy, I am talking about the particular same football workout! Same exercises, sets, reps and sometimes, sadly, weights.In the end have to rotate exercises constantly to prevent accommodation, we can’t just add any-old exercise and hope for the best. Plus, often, the exercises we hate the most are the type that us the most good. Many guys hate movements like lunges, but, if you want to get faster for football, you need to do them.Listed here are the top 11 Exercises for to Get Faster and Stronger for Football. Add these phones your rotation and work ’em hard.1. Deadlifts – Deadlifts are the King Maker…they might be more accountable for building football speed and strength than any other exercise.Deadlifts are ultra-important for many reasons:o They build tremendous starting strength. Many football players are woefully without a chance to get explosive and apply strength quickly.o Deads strengthen the Posterior Chain; building strength and power in the hamstrings, glutes, calfs, and the entire back (the muscles responsible for getting you faster for football).o Deadlifts, like Squats, build insane strength within the hips; the seat of power for football.o They build slabs of muscle. Nothing will make you grow out of your calfs for your traps like heavy Deadlifts.o The Deadlift can be very helpful for injury prevention. Some think that the moderate to high hamstring activity elicited during the deadlift may help to protect the Anterior Cruciate Ligament during rehab.Deads may be used as Max Effort, Dynamic Effort or moderate rep exercise. The classic 5 x 5 protocol applied to the DL can put more muscle in your frame than other exercises combined.2. Box Squats – Box Squats and Box Front Squats are essential for building tremendous leg strength and explosiveness while taking just about all stress from the knees. They are the cornerstones (along with deadlifts) associated with a football strength training program that can create a player stronger and faster for football.Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell Club, who’s club has done more to popularize Box Squats than anyone else in the usa describes the benefits of Box Squatting in a single of his articles:Many trainers have found that a lot of flexibility can be developed while box squatting: by going less than normally possible, by utilizing a wider stance.

You are able to isolate all the correct squatting muscles to take a seat extremely far back on the box. To take a seat back on the box to the extent that the shins are positioned past vertical, the glutes, hips, hamstrings, spinal erectors, and abs are totally pre-stretched and overloaded simultaneously, creating a tremendous stretch reflex.Box Squats eliminate many of the problems encountered when you are performing traditional squats. Gone are the knee problems associated with the knees traveling way past the toes. You’re also limiting the stretch reflex, so Box Squatting becomes much like a Deadlift in it’s ability to build explosive strength.Box Squats also teach an athlete to stay tight and explode up while using hips, hams, and glutes. This really is required for any sport that needs running or jumping…which is pretty much them all! They’re key for building football speed and strength.Some other huge benefits of Box Squatting include:o Less soreness than traditional squats, letting you recover faster and train more regularlyo No guessing on depth. Set this area to in which you wish to go and simply relax on it. o Box Squats can increase real-world flexibility. If you widen setup, push the knees out, and descend in check, you will develop excellent mobility and adaptability within the legs and hips.o Build tons of strength in the glutes and hips – important to blocking and tackling.Use Box Squats for either Max Effort or Dynamic Effort training.If you go heavy, either work up to a max set of 1 – 4, or do multiple sets of low repsIf using the Box Squat as a speed exercise, it is best to use bands or chains and go for 12 teams of 2 reps with 60seconds rest.This will be explained in the workouts section in which you might find a full time income, breathing example of sets and reps for that Box Squat (and all other exercises).3. Clean & Jerk – A few years back Olympic Lift-only training programs were all the rage. Then, they fell out of favor and on came the anti-Olympic lifting brigade. As always, and over-reaction short term and an under-reaction long term.The truth is that the O-lifts continue to be useful for football players and, should be included in your football strength workouts. The undisputed king of the O-lifts for athletics is the Neat and Jerk. It is a lift that builds toughness, identifies weaknesses, and requires strength, power and determination. All the traits a sports athlete needs!The C&J is similar to the Deadlift in it’s capability to point out weaknesses. Lifting huge bar in the ground to overhead requires strength in the entire posterior chain, plus the abs, shoulders and triceps. If anyone of these areas are weak, you will miss the lift.Some appear at first sight hard to teach however i can get a sports athlete doing cleans in a single session. Remember, the C&J (and just about any other exercise) doesn’t have to be done with a barbell alone. Using sandbags, barrels, dumbbells, kettlebells, a Stone Trainer, a thick bar or perhaps a Log is an excellent way to build real-world athletic strength and get around the technique issue. This sort of lifting may be used to build brute strength and also excellent conditioning and mental toughness.Grabbing a pair of DB’s and doing high rep or timed teams of the C&J is an excellent conditioning tool. I acquired this idea from a classic Louie Simmions article and it’s helped me and many of my athletes get in top condition, even when the weather prevents us from going outside. Plus, it helps build focus and mental toughness.If you are using the C&J for strength, stay with singles and doubles. If you would like conditioning, opt for higher reps or time your sets.4. Box Front Squats – Just like the O-lifts, people went crazy with the training of the posterior chain. Yes, it’s supremely important, however, many athletes and coaches went overboard, completely disregarding the leading from the body.An athlete needs strong quads for sprinting, jumping, and driving another human from their way. Many feared training the quads at all would result in them overpowering the hamstrings. This can happen when the hams are under-trained, but we can not permit the quads being weak either. Any imbalance, either way, will lead to decreased performance and possible knee injuries.I always loved Front Squats and believe they might be better than Back Squats for many football players, especially lineman. Getting the load held on the front from the body will build tremendous strength in the core, and also the entire motion is very similar to the motion of blocking.But, most guys I’ve seen can’t Front Squat to save their life. They’ve got more bad habits than Artie Lange. They push the knees way within the toes, don’t relax, and fall forward.Enter the Box Front Squat. Using boxes at different heights, and a soft box, allows the athlete to sit down back, stay fairly upright and drive through the floor, instead of just squatting down and up. It does place some of the stress on the glutes and hams, but leaves lots of work for the quads too.It is especially helpful to do your Box FS with bands or chains. This helps build amazing driving ability and also the power to simply run through people. Football isn’t the only contact sport…in soccer, basketball and hockey, what you can do to find the enemy out of your way on the way to the thing is essential.Keep reps low when Front Squatting. Use multiple teams of 1 – 4 reps, or use it as your Max Effort movement and work up to a heavy single.5. RDL – Romanian Deadlifts are an excellent assistance exercise for Deadlifts and Squats. They build muscle and power within the hamstrings and glutes and also hit the lower back quite well.The RDL is great for athletes because it is performed within the stance very similar to the “ready position” used is really many sports (hips down, knees bent, flat back…think a Linebacker or even the position of the body pre-jump). The romanian Deadlift is such an excellent to help you get faster for football it ought to be contained in the most of your football workouts.For a lot of athletes, the RDL is a far superior exercise towards the Straight Leg Deadlift. For anyone with a long torso, the SLDL can become a lower-back exercise and damn-near ignore the hamstrings. But, due to the hip position (traveling backwards) and also the intense pre-stretch from the hamstrings, the RDL is much better at working the PC.RDL’s can be done as your Max Effort movement, particularly if you do them within the Rack.RDL’s in the rack.But, their main strength is based on with them as an assistance exercise for Squats and Deads. If using them being an assistance, choose 3 – 5 teams of 3 – 8 reps.6. Rows – Too many football players and lifters focus a significant amount of on the pressing exercises and neglect the muscles from the back. This will result in injuries like rotator cuff tears, pec tears, and shoulder impingements. Worst than that it’ll also result in a crappy bench press.There’s in regards to a billion row variations, so pick 2 or three and set them in your training program. You can go heavy or reps, or both. If you’ve been neglecting your back, you should start off by doing twice as much back work as chest/pressing work!7. Side Lunges – The majority of us function not do enough training on lateral movements, which I find odd because so much of sports is played while moving from side-to-side. There are several explanations why most athletes avoid movements like Side Lunges:o Ego: Less weight (a smaller amount!) will have to be used, especially at first. o Pain: Side Lunges, despite light weight, have the potential to depart you with damn-near injury-like soreness, especially if you aren’t accustomed to doing them o Ego, again: You’ll never be able to slap on endless 45’s on this exercise, so most people will just steer clear of the hit for their pride.Lateral movements are answer to building football game speed.8. Dumbbell Incline – I’m hated for saying this, however i believe the Dumbbell Incline is really a far better movement for athletes than the Bench. Obviously, the bench press is a great exercise, but when you are looking at athletes, not Powerlifters, the Incline rules.The DB Incline a lot more closely mimics the road taken by the arms in many athletic movements such as blocking, punching, and in many wrestling moves.The incline can also be much better at developing the all-important shoulder girdle. It’s a nice compromise between the Overhead Press and also the Bench, allowing an athlete to hammer shoulders, pecs and triceps. Adding the Dumbbell Incline for your football strength program is an excellent idea, especially for lineman and Linebackers.For all those with shoulder problems, Incline can be a life-saver. After i had rotator cuff problems, benching even super light weights felt like I was being stabbed right in front delts! But, I had been able to keep doing Inclines as heavy as I could handle. When I fixed my shoulder problems, I returned to the bench and lost very little progress.The DB Incline can also be incredibly versatile; you can use it for Timed Sets, High reps, moderate reps, or you will go super heavy and treat it like a Sub-Max movement. If you’d really like a challenge, try doing a 1-Arm DB Incline, now that’s real “core” training!9. Sandbags – Lifting and carrying sandbags are fantastic ways to “bridge” the gap between your weightroom and also the playing field. Sandbags are excellent strength and conditioning tools for wrestlers, football players, and fighters. They’ll also assist with almost any other sport that requires strength, speed, and stamina.Sandbags shift and fight you every inch of the way. They never relent. Picking up and carrying or shouldering a sandbag feels a lot like wrestling a live opponent. While everything in the weightroom helps build max strength and speed, using sandbags will be a great compliment to your heavy training.There’s a lot of great resources on sandbag training, but I recommend you check out Josh Henkin’s sandbag training course.10. Prowler – The Prowler owns all when it comes to conditioning for football. It may be pushed and pulled for time, distance or speed. It can be loaded heavy or light. See where I am going with this particular?The Prowler is also great because you can use it laterally, which as I said earlier, most athletes neglect. So much of sports is played moving laterally, yet training that way is ignored.Make use of the Prowler as a finisher or on a non-lifting day as a way to condition. Because of the insufficient eccentric movement, the Prowler won’t cause much soreness, the industry huge advantage for athletes. One of the greatest issues when designing an exercise program for an athlete is how you can give strength, speed and conditioning their proper due without compromising any of the elements.Using the Prowler is simple, go light for time for recovery and GPP work. Go a little heavier for sprints and go heavy for strength work.

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Fitness Programs for Women: Four Essential Tips

September 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Bryant Towell

Fitness Programs for Women: Four Essential Tips – Health

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Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines. If you’re looking for fitness programs for women that really work, try using the four following tips.

1. Lift Heavy Weights

Plenty of women make their way into the weight room now and again, but most are afraid that they’ll get “bulky” if they lift too heavy. That’s nonsense! It takes male bodybuilders years of dedicated effort to pack on muscle mass, and they’ve got testosterone and tons of food on their side. Not only will you not get “too big” by lifting challenging weights – you’ll actually look better.

Lifts like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and other heavy movements are great for stimulating your metabolism and packing on a little bit of lean mass. Whether or not you realize it, that’s really what you want! The right amount of muscle gives you a lean, fit look that you simply can’t achieve with cardio alone. Challenging yourself in the gym will also cause you to burn more calories, which means you get to eat more and still lose weight.

2. Low Fat is NOT Healthy!

Some nutritionists are still stuck in the 1980s’ low-fat craze, but avoiding dietary fat is NOT going to get you the results you want. In fact, most “low-fat” products like crackers, pretzels, and other grain-based products will make it nearly impossible to get lean! They make your blood sugar levels skyrocket, which in turn causes your body to secrete tons of insulin – a hormone which actually makes your body store even more fat. If you’re trying to get lean, ditch most of your carbs and eat plenty of olive oil, avocados, nuts, and even some red meat.

3. Ease Up on the Cardio

If you’re going to start lifting heavy weights (which you should!), then you’re also going to need to ease up on all of that cardio you’re probably doing. Slaving away on a treadmill or elliptical is simply not necessary, and it eats up way too much of your time. It’s great to do a few short sessions per week for your cardiovascular health, but hours upon hours of monotonous movement aren’t going to help you lose fat.

However, there is a much better type of cardio for optimal fat loss: interval training! On a track, treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike, simply alternate short bursts of all-out sprinting with longer bouts of active rest. For example, you might do eight rounds of fifteen-second sprints and forty-five second “jogs” on an elliptical machine. The whole thing will be over in under ten minutes, but the intensity of the workout will cause your body to burn more fat all day long.

4. Don’t Under-eat

One of the worst things you can do in fitness programs for women is to eat too little. Your body is an adaptive machine, and it will respond to severe calorie restriction by slowing its metabolism way down. Have you ever noticed how lethargic, tired, and cold you get when you don’t eat enough? Those are sure signs that your body is burning less fuel!

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t cut calories at all – your body does need a reason to use its fat stores for energy instead of your food. The key is to eat just little enough that you can burn fat while avoiding hunger. Focus first on the right food choices, and then start counting calories if you truly need to. Overall, it’s best to take it slow and steady with your fitness programs for women and focus on losing no more than a pound per week.

About the Author

Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines.

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Bryant Towell

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Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It’s no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There’s plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines.

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Dynamic Stretching Can Be Key To Effective Working Out.

September 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Joe Gardener

Dynamic Stretching Can Be Key To Effective Working Out. – Health

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If you are into fitness and working out you know that stretching can be a boring and tedious issue. And many people feel that stretching does not do anything, they feel it largely is a waste of time. That is why many people are beginning to switch to Dynamic stretching for their workout regime.

Dynamic stretching is stretching done with activity. For example, stretching your arms is done with full range of motion and exercise that warms up the muscle as well as giving it the chance to stretch. It is this muscle activity and warming up that makes dynamic stretching a big chance over traditional stretching.

We have all heard that warming up and stretching before you play a sport will prevent injuries. And in many cases stretching can be beneficial. There has been no study done to indicate that stretching without exercise will help give flexibility before performing an aerobic activity. In fact, there are a lot of different sets of data that show that stretching without muscle movement is largely worthless.

The key is to move the muscle, slowly at first, using full range of motion, and gently urging your muscles to stretch longer and longer at the same time they are warming up. Athletes are increasingly enjoying the new Dynamic stretching techniques, because it gives their muscles a warm up and the chance to stretch while exercising.

Dynamic stretching is the process of moving your body and slowly increasing speed, the range of motion and stretching movement, making the increases slow but steady. This gives your body the chance to get warm, stretch and move all at the same time.

When you are an athlete the first thing that you encounter when you step on the field to compete or to go for a run is the need for oxygen rich blood. Dynamic stretching does allow for this type of activity, and it supports the efforts to warm the muscle groups up as well as giving muscles support

The key to dynamic stretching is slow, repeated movements gradually increasing intensity and range of motion. As the muscle warms up, then you increase the repetitions and the range, and the intensity of the movement. Working together it provides a great deal of support for the muscle groups as well as giving a better set of stretches than traditional, static stretching does.

About the Author

Joseph Gardener is a health expert specializing in pharmaceutical research, men’s health and other health topics, such as generic viagra

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Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises Done Properly As Well As Everyday Are Able To Restore To Health {

September 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Clark Lyndhurst

Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises Done Properly As Well As Everyday Are Able To Restore To Health { – Health

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Rotator cuff physical therapy exercises take part in a vital position in getting your shoulder back near normal. Surgical procedure ought to remain a last option furthermore often successful shoulder exercises are all it takes to make things improved. Shoulder exercises carried out accurately can alleviate the pain and strengthen the rotator cuff as well.

When doing rotator cuff physical therapy exercises, not much if no weight at all is needed at first. The body’s natural resistance is adequate once starting out on the road to attain the preferred results. The heaviness of the arm is adequate in the beginning, then moving next to to small weights while the muscular tissues strengthen.

Before performing your rotator cuff physical therapy exercises, it’s imperative to perform stretching on the road to regain mobility in the shoulder and to put a stop to additional damage. This can take a few days from time to time. It is key to make major advancement in this area to remain prepared to go onto the next step that is strengthening the rotator cuff. It really is amazing how fast the rotator cuff be capable of nurse back to health once it has had a opportunity to strengthen.

Here are a few good stretching physical exercises that should to be a component of your rotator cuff physical therapy exercises. Apply these stretches throughout the day to obtain the greatest end result. These stretching exercises include the posterior stretch, the overhead stretch, and the forward wall climb.

The posterior stretch isolates and stretches the back of the shoulder. This is accomplished by putting the arm that is injured across the body and pulling the elbow in the direction of the body until you can experience the stretching within your upper back. When you get to that position, stay in that position for five seconds. Afterward repeat two more times.

One more stretch for your rotator cuff physical therapy exercises is the overhead stretch. The overhead stretch works good because it stretches both shoulders at the same time. Stand up straight, then bend over as if to touch your feet, making a bend at your waste with a ninety degree incline. Hang about in this stance for 15 to twenty seconds stretching the shoulders. Repeat this a couple more times.

The final stretch is the forward wall climb. Move close to as well as face the wall. Position your arms on the wall then stretch out them at the same time as climbing up and down it with your fingers. As you climb up the wall with your fingers, attempt to proceed a bit farther every instance. Go as much as you can until it feels excessively painful. Take into account it’s imperative to do the correct stretching exercises to a point where you sense your rotator cuff has retained its mobility before moving on toward rotator cuff physical therapy exercises to strengthen the shoulder.

At this time after you extensively stretched your rotator cuff, it is time to do the strengthening workout routines. A high-quality work out to strengthen the rotator cuff is the wall push up. This is precisely like a regular push up that you would perform on the floor, except it’s carried out vertically against the wall instead. As you develop power in your rotator cuff and shoulder, you begin moving in the direction of a horizontal position. Instead of against the wall, shift down to a counter top, after that the arm of your sofa, and after you’ve strengthened your shoulder sufficiently, the floor.

About the Author

Suffering with an injured rotator cuff?

Need “>rotator cuff physical therapy exercises to heal your sore shoulder?

Check out <> for proven exercises that will strengthen and heal your injured rotator cuff.

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Clark Lyndhurst

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Suffering with an injured rotator cuff?

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Myogenix Glutamine 1000 Grams, 2.2 Pounds

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Basics of MMA Weight Training Program

September 24, 2012 by  
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Mixed Martial Arts is a relatively new sport, but combat sports have been around for many years. Each sport has their own specific training regimen scientifically developed to produce the maximal results. Consequently, the routines and principles have already been designed. It is only a matter of incorporating ones that are useful and discarding those that are not. The best weight training for MMA program increases strength, endurance, and explosive power.

What separates a fighter who has knock out power and one who doesn’t? Strength. I am willing to bet that a fighter with knock out power also has a better “MMA weight training program”. A Mixed Martial Arts weight training program sticks to the basics. The key is to strengthen the muscles involved in kicking, punching, grappling, etc. All big movements in MMA involve multiple muscle groups. So compound lifts are the best exercises for MMA. Here are the top exercises: deadlifts, squats, bench press, horizontal rows, glute ham raises. Having a stronger body with the same technique will always produce a significant increase in damage.

Circuit training for MMA has gotten the most attention. But the circuit training is inefficient. Circuit training is when one moves from one exercise to another with the focus on increasing strength and cardio. There are three energy systems in the body: Aerobic, Anaerobic and ATP-PC. Aerobic is the system that predominates when doing the workload doesn’t demand a large amount of energy. Think marathon runners. Anaerobic predominates when more energy is required, but the production limit is quickly limited. This is equal to doing 8 to 12 reps. ATP-PC produces the largest amount of energy for max strength and power, but is extremely limited. Imagine doing a sprint. Because circuit training involves doing many reps of a certain exercise, the aerobic system predominates. It is terrible for strength. This is not the proper way to train endurance.

A good MMA weight training program increases a fighter’s endurance through intensity. High intensity training means lifting heavy weights for low reps with shorter rest periods. Pick a weight that you can do for 4-5 reps, but do it for 2 reps as fast as you can. Then rest a minute before the next set. Work up to 8-10 sets. After all, your body adapts to the way you train. Fighting and combat sports is about constant output of energy. It is about quick bursts and rest periods in between. Therefore, we should lift with the intention to reduce our body’s recovery time while maximizing our explosive power.

One of the easiest methods to improve explosive strength is to buy resistance bands and hooking them onto the barbell. Or to buy powerlifting chains that will make regular lifts heavier at the top and lighter on the bottom. An economical way to make your own chains is to go to Home Depot and purchase their heaviest link-lock chains and stringing them together. The principle behind this is overloading the muscles. In order to complete a repetition, you must generate force greater than the bar because it gets heavier at the end of the motion. For example, let’s say you are capable of benching 300 lbs, but you lower the weight to 225 and put 120 lbs of resistance bands onto the barbell. If you were to bench the bar with 225 lbs of force, you will fail the lift as soon as the bands tighten. The same is true if you were to push with 300 lbs of force. In order to succeed, you must bench with at least 320 lbs of force and accelerate at a speed fast enough to overcome band tension. This forces your body to recruit and fire all your muscle fibers.

Putting it all together

The best MMA weight training routine has two types of lifting days. Days where we work on absolute strength and days where we work on explosive strength. The closer you are to a fight, the more you should focus on tailoring your training for explosive strength with the shorter rest periods. Weight training for MMA should be kept to two to three times per week, but try to avoid doing it on your sparring days. You must have enough strength left over to do sports specific training in MMA – sparring, padwork, grappling, etc.

Check out my web page for more information on how to set up a MMA Weight Training Program Weight Training for MMA

About the Author

When I was 18, I was extremely overweight. I decided I had to make a lifestyle change and became a gym rat when I started college. In my junior year, I was addicted to powerlifting and luckily I had met a someone who competed in Strongman competitions. I asked to join without hestitation. I have competed in many Strongman competitions, but after graduation I had to move back to my hometown. At that time, I started training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my obsession for MMA began.

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When I was 18, I was extremely overweight. I decided I had to make a lifestyle change and became a gym rat when I started college. In my junior year, I was addicted to powerlifting and luckily I had met a someone who competed in Strongman competitions. I asked to join without hestitation. I have competed in many Strongman competitions, but after graduation I had to move back to my hometown. At that time, I started training Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my obsession for MMA began.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Muscle Milk Chocolate Banana Crunch, Burn Fat, 2.4 lb, From CytoSport

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  • Muscle Milk is a powerful, protein-enhanced functional formula that combines high-quality protein al

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Muscle Milk is a powerful, protein-enhanced functional formula that combines high-quality protein along with premium ingredients to provide healthy, sustained energy and recovery for performance and lifestyle. It consists of a precise blend of multi-source proteins, functional fats, low-sugar carbohydrates and 20 vitamins and minerals in a lactose-free formula, making it an ideal nutritional choice whether you are a performance athlete, watching your diet, or simply… More >>

Muscle Milk Chocolate Banana Crunch, Burn Fat, 2.4 lb, From CytoSport

How to Build Muscle Fast – The Essentials You Need to Know

September 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Christian Morino

How to Build Muscle Fast – The Essentials You Need to Know – Health

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If you were a muscle building expert, you would get tired of answering the same question over and over again – How to build muscle fast?

Every day I meet scores of skinny guys who want to know how to pack on about ten to fifteen pounds of muscle mass before a very important event that is looming in their immediate future. It could be a vacation where they plan to sit shirtless on a beach, or a fitness and bodybuilding competition, or a very important modeling assignment. If you want to look bulky, you need to gain muscle mass, and quick and therefore; you need to learn how to build muscle fast

As a muscle building expert, I get approached with these questions and urgent appeals for help almost every day of my life. I work with a lot of hard muscle gainers and almost every single one of them wants to know how to build muscle fast. Of course, most of them are also concerned with the safety and the effectiveness of the methods I would employ.

If you are also a hard gainer, there is good news for you. Learning and understanding how to build muscle fast is not as difficult as some would have you believe. There are safe and effective methods of doing what you desire. However, though this is possible, this is a tedious process and needs a lot of hard work and consistency. For starters, you need to train a lot smarter than you are used to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that what you have been doing is not right. What I am saying is that if you want to learn how to build muscle fast, you will need to train much more intelligently.

If you are a hard gainer, and really want to know how to build muscle fast, read on as I reveal my best kept secrets to you.

1. Perform Only 10 Reps of Any Exercise

Your body is made up several different kinds of muscles. Different muscles of your body grow differently and therefore require different workout regimens. If you have been performing more than 10 reps with weights, you are involving the slow-twitch muscles of your body, which have the smallest muscle growth. As a hard gainer, every set you perform should involve as many muscles as you possibly can use. Always choose your weights carefully; keeping in mind that the 11th rep should not be performed and if you deviate from this advice, you would be packing your bags to vacation in ‘skinny land’. In addition, you will never learn how to build muscle fast.

If you are interesting in knowing how to build muscle fast, keep in mind that you need to lifting heavy for every single exercise you perform and each set you repeat. Simply put, keep your weights heavy, and never do more than 10 reps of a single exercise. I would also recommend finding a partner for each of these workouts so that you have no safety issues. Having a partner will also ensure that you push your limits every inch of the way, do not slack off in your workout and learn how to build muscle fast.

2. Workout More In The Limited Time You Have

If you really want to know how to build muscle fast, always keep in mind the fact that an increased work capacity helps build muscles faster. To do this, try performing as much work you can, in as limited time as possible. This means you will need to increase the number of sets and the poundage of the weights you lift within your workout.

Think about this. There are two guys – one who performs 4 sets of 185 pounds bench press with only a 30 second rest and another who performs the same sets with the same weight with a 90 second rest. Who is the fitter of the two? The answer is the guy who performs the same amount of work in less time. Now guess who of the two is more muscular? The answer again, is the one who has a higher work capacity. When you are learning how to build muscle fast, this would really help you.

So the next time you enter your gym, make an attempt to complete more workout in less time. This may mean you have to take shorter rests and perform one exercise after another in a very quick manner. If you feel a little haggard during the first few days of this regime, don’t be surprised. This is the easiest way to learn how to build muscle fast and to take your fitness to a whole new level. A warning though, be prepared to feel humbled and be ready to get way out of your comfort zone.

3. Perform A Single Exercise For a Single Muscle Group

Each of the muscle groups in your body needs a different exercise. You may be wondering, only one exercise? Yes. That is exactly what I said. If you think that exercising a single muscle group for hours with various different exercises can help you, you couldn’t be more off the mark. This would only mutilate your muscles. If you really want to know how to build muscle fast, consider this. Your typical day in the gym should have only a single muscle group to exercise. When you walk into the gym, think of the day as your chest day and so, logically, your first exercise would be the bench press. Perform the first set with a weight of 185 pounds and keep adding 20 pounds for every subsequent set. The second set would then be of 205 pounds, the third of 225 pounds and the fourth of 245 pounds.

Assuming that this is your workout for a day, consider what you have done. You have involved the maximum fibers of your muscles into your workout. Since you are learning how to build muscle fast, know that with this workout, you have sparked your muscles and initiated them into the process of growth. This was your goal, and you have achieved it. Your ultimate aim is to learn how to build muscle fast, so you need to grow your muscles not kill them. That is exactly what you have done. If you exhaust your muscles, your body will begin to grow new ones to beat any future assault. This is not what you want when learning how to build muscle fast.

4. Each Of Your Muscle Group Requires Only 3-5 Sets

To learn how to build muscle fast, you have to keep an open mind about your workouts. Your workout intensity is insanely high if you plan to perform more than 5 sets for each of your muscle groups and this is not necessarily a great thing to do. If you use any kind of steroids, your muscles may keep developing regardless, but for most normal people, who are not on anabolic steroids, 3-5 sets are all that your muscles can take. Even if you are a hard gainer, learning how to build muscle fast, my best piece of advice to you would be to consider a new set of rules for your workout.

The first 1-2 sets that you work on, should ideally get 85% effort. The next set should be performed at 95% of your effort and finally, the last two sets should be performed with 100% effort. This distribution has been made keeping in mind that it is only your last two sets which would actually contribute to the growth of your muscles. If you perform more sets than these, you will simply be exhausting your muscles. If you perform only 5 sets, and pay special attention, focusing your efforts on the last two sets, you will have triggered your muscles into growth.

5. Attempt At Increasing Your Strength By At Least 5% After Every 2 Weeks

Tracking your progress in your workout sessions is one of the most important things you will do. If you return every week, performing the same workouts and exhausting yourself, this is the biggest mistake you could possibly make. In fact, I have seen too many people go down this devious road. To learn how to build muscle fast, you have to bring variation into your workouts and you have to increase the strength you put into it. Keep in mind that your body has been created to endure stress and therefore, you can tolerate it.

When you are making plans for your workout, your goal should be to increase your strength periodically. An increase of 5% of your strength should be ideal when learning how to build muscle fast. When you are working larger muscle groups, like those in your back, chest and legs, your progress would be much speedier and you will be able to increase your strength faster. However, for smaller and more complex set of muscles, like those in your biceps and triceps, hard work would be required.

To those who come to learn how to build muscle fast, I always advise maintaining a strength goal book. Write down your long term and short strength and muscle gain goals. This will help you work backwards and plan your workouts properly. This will also help you keep a track of where you are headed.

To conclude, I would just like to say that though these tips are not what your average gym instructor would give you. The bottom line is, if you try hard enough and understand your body well enough, you can train smarter and defeat your genetics to turn from a skinny guy to a well-muscled one. How to build muscle fast is not an obscure thought and with just the right attitude, you can pull it off.

About the Author

Watch a short video exposing lies of the fitness industry and how its designed to slow or prevent you from achieving your muscle building goals.

Why settle for being skinny or flabby when you can have the rock-hard muscle you’ve always wanted? What have you got to lose? Can you think of any reason not to build muscle fast? Take this important first step. This is your moment! You can do it!

Yours in Success,

Christian Morino

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Christian Morino

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Watch a short video exposing lies of the fitness industry and how its designed to slow or prevent you from achieving your muscle building goals.

Why settle for being skinny or flabby when you can have the rock-hard muscle you’ve always wanted? What have you got to lose? Can you think of any reason not to build muscle fast? Take this important first step. This is your moment! You can do it!

Yours in Success,

Christian Morino

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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