Gladiator: A True Story of ‘Roids, Rage, and Redemption
Product Description
Aggressive, explosive, and boasting awesome athletic ability, Dan Clark rose to tremendous fame as Nitro on American Gladiators. He quickly emerged as the most popular cast member and became a reality television superstar. But a twenty-year affair with steroids led to a life of pissing blood, smuggling drugs, destroying hotel rooms, getting arrested, growing breasts, and lying bloodied in the street after a vicious fight with his best friend. This is Clark’s rivet… More >>
Gladiator: A True Story of ‘Roids, Rage, and Redemption
Allergy Research Group -Glutamine Powder 200 gms
- Allergy Research Group -Glutamine Powder 200 gms
Product Description
Glutamine Powder 200 gms
Per 1 teaspoon:
Servings Per Container: 42
4.7 g L-Glutamine
Dietary Use:
1 teaspoon in water 1-3 times daily before meals or as directed.
Glutamine is now being considered a conditionally essential amino acid. It is highly gluconeogenic and therefore valuable in this regard. It is valuable for GI enterocytes, conserves muscle glycogen stores and can stimulate growth hormone production…. More >>
Allergy Research Group -Glutamine Powder 200 gms
CytoSport Muscle Milk Light
December 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Milk
- Meal Replacements
- Supplements
- Muscle Milk Light
- Benicia. CA 94510
Product Description
Muscle Milk Light. Vanilla Creme. CytoSport has been overwhelmed by the amazing success of Muscle Milk. If there has been one repeated request, it’s “”Make Muscle Milk with less fat and fewer calories, but keep the SAME GREAT MUSCLE MILK TASTE!”” Well…we heard you. INTRODUCING MUSCLE MILK LIGHT Same great performance, same great taste 50% less fat and 33% fewer calories than genuine muscle milk. MUSCLE MILK LIGHT is scientifically designed for individuals who want… More >>
NEPTUNE Fluid Rower
- watts
- level and has a heart rate receiver built in. Patented Variable Fluid Resistance Variable Water Volume From 9 – 17 Liters emulates real water rowing conditions Ergonomic Handle Prevents Strains on Arms
- revolutions per minute
- speed
- whole body workout Instantly Adaptable Exercise Intensity allows you to vary your workouts quickly and easily Suitable For the Whole Family – any age
Product Description
he Neptune is a high quality home rower that was developed by professional rowers. It?s appealing to the sedentary majority as a sustainable whole body workout on up to athletes in training. The Neptune was designed and engineered by craftsmen using only the highest quality components to ensure your complete satisfaction of function, performance and reliability. The Neptune Rower by First Degree Fitness was developed to deliver the feeling, sound and sight of real o… More >>
Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms
Product Description
Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms is your guide to the massive biceps, triceps, and forearms you’ve always wanted. Over 330 full-color photos and 130 anatomical illustrations allow you to go inside more than 100 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and how variations, progressions, and sequencing can isolate specific muscles to help you achieve targeted results. It’s like having an X-ray of eac… More >>
Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms
AUTONICS 5PFF9 Stepper Motor Controller, 2 Axis, 24VDC
December 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Step Machines
Product Description
Stepper Motor Controller, 2 Axis Application, 64 Steps Per Axis, 24 VDC, For Use With Stepper Motor Drivers 5PFF4, 5PFF5, 5PFF6, 5PFF7, Max Output Pulse Frequency 4 Mpps, Height 3-9/16 In, Width 1-3/8 In, Depth 2-3/8 In, 2-Hole Mounting, Mounting Pattern 3.74 In on Center, Requires Stepper Motor Driver 5PFF4, 5PFF5, 5PFF6 or 5PFF7 and Ribbon Cable 5PFG0 or 5PFG1… More >>
AUTONICS 5PFF9 Stepper Motor Controller, 2 Axis, 24VDC
Eclipse Sport Supplements Glutamine Powder 600gr, Bottle
- Provides essential amino acids
- Sport nutrition product
- Dietary supplement
Product Description
Glutamine has an important structural role, comprising 5-10% of amino acid residues in various proteins. Glutamine is a major vehicle for the transfer of nitrogen between tissues. Maximum growth and proliferation of most cell types occur with adequate glutamine stores. Dependence on glutamine for cellular growth and function has been clearly demonstrated for intestinal mucosal cells and cells of the immune system. Glutamine plays a key part with the branched chain… More >>
Eclipse Sport Supplements Glutamine Powder 600gr, Bottle
Muscle Milk Light Powder Tub- Strawberry Milkshake
December 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Milk
Product Description
25g of Protein in each serving. Great Tasting! Burn Fat…Don’t Store it!… More >>
Muscle Milk Light Powder Tub- Strawberry Milkshake
Aerobic exercise-pain-discomfort
December 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Aerobic Exercises
Article by Jennifer Chu, M.D.
Aerobic exercise-pain-discomfort – Health
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Aerobic exercise suggestions for cardiovascular fitness include moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day 5 days/week. This can be achieved by walking 1.5 miles daily at 3-4 mph. Three 10-minute walks a day each day has also been suggested. Resistance training to help promote health benefits is also beneficial. How do you get chronic pain patients to have an aerobic exercise? They are told by others around them to exercise whereas their bodies tell them to rest. What is the best compromise? If they exercise there is exacerbation of pain. However some of them push themselves through pain believing in the “no pain no gain” trend of thinking. A significant factor in nerve related muscle pain is lack of blood supply to the muscles and nerves. Therefore taking extra pain medications to suppress the muscle pain during and after exercise will have little effect on the muscle spasms already formed inside the muscles. These newly formed muscle spasms related to exercise will cause more pain from having a traction effect on the nerves and blood vessels within the muscle, and also pull on the bones and joints causing increased pain. Patients with chronic pain must keep mobile and cannot follow suggested or standard guidelines for aerobic exercise. They must follow the guidelines given by their body. They must not perform aerobic exercise continuously even for ten minutes if they have pain exacerbation. They must rest immediately for the equal amount of time that they have exercised. Therefore they must exercise in places where they have access to a seat so that they are able to sit down and rest immediately if need be. Exercising in a controlled climate situation is essential. Climbing up and down steps as part of activities of daily living must be incorporated into the aerobic exercise program. Moving the arms and legs against gravity will act as resistive exercises. Tai Chi is the perfect aerobic exercise since it will involve also balance activities. Performing tandem walking will also improve balance. Standing on one leg at time while holding onto something solid will provide muscle contractions essential for prevention of osteoporosis. The non-supporting limb can also be mobilized to exercise while standing on one leg. The concept in exercising for chronic pain patients is to maintain and/or increase mobility and balance. Increasing heart rate should not be the goal if it will exacerbate the pain such that they are miserable. Patients with chronic pain or discomfort cannot exercise using rigid guidelines such as preset time, number of repetitions or distance.© 2007 copyright Aerobic exercise|pain|discomfort
About the Author
Jennifer Chu, M.D., founder of eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® is also President and CEO of eToims Medical Technology LLC, a medical device company with training programs in eToims® Twitch Relief Method. She is an Emeritus Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, where has been on faculty for more than 30 years.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Jennifer Chu, M.D.
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Jennifer Chu, M.D., founder of eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® is also President and CEO of eToims Medical Technology LLC, a medical device company with training programs in eToims® Twitch Relief Method. She is an Emeritus Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, where has been on faculty for more than 30 years.
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Gift Ideas – 10 Great Foods That Help Burn Fat
December 4, 2012 by admin
Filed under Boost Metabolism
Article by Bertha Baker
Gift Ideas – 10 Great Foods That Help Burn Fat – Law
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Gift Ideas americans spend over 30 billion dollars on weight loss supplements. Most of whom do not even seem. Much healthier and more economical alternative is eating the right foods. The next time you shop. Make sure to get the food products. And help you shed off unnecessary fat. Eggs: skip pancakes and bagels breakfast and ate eggs instead. Eggs, which are rich in protein help you feel full longer. Gift Ideas research has shown that people who consume eggs are less likely to overeat. And at the same time their metabolism is increased. Another study showed that even the eggs to help stabilize blood sugar and insulin spikes are minimized. Grapefruit: probably the most common food grapefruit weight loss.
In fact, burn fat. The specific phytochemicals in grapefruit reduce insulin levels. Thus helping your body metabolic heat. But not in the form of fat stored in the. Gift Ideas have a grapefruit-least twice a week if possible. Nuts: nuts are rich in good fats (unsaturated good fats that are necessary for the body to produce hormones). Are perfect for curbing appetite. A study from purdue university found that when a group of 15 normal-weight people added about 500 calories worth of peanuts to their regular diet. They consumed less food next. The metabolism of participants also spiked by 11%. So they burn more calories doing nothing. Health bonus: walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids.Gift Ideas
Pecans are also good against heart disease. As proven by research. The high-fiber whole grains: studies show that eating a high-fiber whole grains. Can help curb appetite. These whole grains contain complex carbohydrates that take a long time for the body as a failure because energy is supplied to the body throughout the day. Also, high fiber diet helps prevent constipation and ensure healthy bowel. Red peppers: add some heat to your food. Not only for taste but for health benefits. Gift Ideas these peppers contain capsaicin. Which reduces appetite. Beans: you probably never heard of cholecystokinin. But not on your side of the weight-loss battle. This digestive hormone, there is a large amount of the bean. The natural appetite suppressant. At the same time the beans provide your body with protein. Which not only boosts metabolism. Gift Ideas but also helps gain muscle. Olive oil: usually found in salad dressings and marinades. Olive oil (monounsaturated oil) containing oleic acid. Which is also the hunger killer. A study in australia. 12 post-menopausal women (aged 57 – 73) were given breakfast cereal or dress in a mixture of milk or cream and put a half ounce of olive oil and put milk. No wonder that women who eat olive oil-laced muesli increase your metabolism. Vinegar: this is one of the best cooking you a full. Gift Ideas in a swedish study. Researchers found that people who ate bread dipped in vinegar felt fuller than those who had their soft slices.
Scientists say the acetic acid in vinegar may slow the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine. So that your belly is more complete. Vinegar can also prevent a sharp increase in sugar levels after eating refined carbohydrates. Like white bread and crackers. Gift Ideas green tea: it’s no wonder that the chinese are so thin. Anti-oxidants in green tea known as catechins. Speed up metabolism and burns fat. Green tea has special properties with almost zero calories and make you the ability to reduce hunger. It also helps in lowering cholesterol and preventing disease for a few. Tofu: the best tasting food. Tofu has very useful features. It is rich in protein and is aware that you feel full quickly. Research shows that those who ate tofu regularly are thinner and healthier than those who do not. Please remember these foods fat loss aids. But you also need determination and appropriate exercise to lose weight.
About the Author
Gift Ideas want to lose weight, lose fat, eat healthy or just have some fun information visit us and learn from the experts.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Bertha Baker
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Gift Ideas want to lose weight, lose fat, eat healthy or just have some fun information visit us and learn from the experts.
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Foods You Might Be Avoiding That Are Actually Healthy! Stay Motivated To Lose Weight, Stick To Your Diet & Eat Healthy!! Simple Ways To Be Active Every Day! Gain Or Loose Weight The Healthy Way! 5 Slimming Mood Boosting Foods: Subscribe – Personal Channel! Twitter Diamondsandheels14 Facebook! Cassandra Bankson Facebook! Tumblr Pintrest BLOG Chictopia Google Plus Instagram: Diamondsandheels14 TAGS foods that boost metabolism “loose weight” “lose weight” “Fast” “lose weight fast” foods” “for weight loss” “weight loss” “boost metabolism” how to boost metabolism” “how to” “speed up” “your metabolism” “summer” “diet” “fitness” “routine” “secret” “Secrets” “model diet” “summer” “victorias secret” “angels” “fruit” “workout” “loss” “health” “exercise” “workout””10 pounds” “rapid weight loss” “detox diet” “crash” “lose weight” “without pills” “calorie” “calories” “what is a fast metabolism” “what is metabolism”