Avoid Injuries With Golf Strength Training

August 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Mike Schlacter

Avoid Injuries With Golf Strength Training – Sports

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Golf is a much more strenuous activity than non-golfers believe, when you play golf you are using most of the muscles in your body, and you are using them in ways that they were not necessarily designed to be used. If you are intent on learning to play golf then the first thing you should realize is that you need to be pretty fit if you want to get anywhere in the game without causing yourself too much grief. All too often people take up golf when they are not really fit enough and there have been cases where people have injured themselves in such a way that they never play golf again.

Most professionals golfers got where they are because they realized very early on that if they wanted to get anywhere in the game without serious injury then they had to look at building up their strength and increasing their flexibility. Building up the strength in your muscles is important for a golfer who wants to develop a good swing and a better drive. When you start out on golf strength training you need to consider nutrition and healthy workouts. Unless your body is getting the right kind of food, e.g. plenty of protein and green vegetables you won’t be up to strenuous exercise programs.

Everyone is different and this includes every golfer, a program that works really well for one person may be too much too soon for another, this means having some understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses. Probably the best advice is to start small but to be consistent – so you may want to limit your exercising and strength training to two or three times a week to start. Whatever you decide on just ensure that you are consistent in what you do. Little and often is a good maxim for most things in life and golf is no exception,

When you start working on golf strength training you might be a bit put off by the fact that many of these workouts involve the use of weights or dumbbells, don’t be, the reason you need these things is that in order to develop strength you need some sort of resistance. Using some sort of weight for example when you work on your golf swing means that you will be taking your body further than it wants to go because of the resistance – this will strengthen both your shoulders and your abdominal muscles.

Golf strength training involves using the lighter type of weights because you are trying to develop strength rather than build up your body. Because the weights are lighter this means that you can use them in more exercises than you would be able to if you were using heavier weights. When this sort of regular strength training is used along with stretching exercises, which are an inevitable part of a golf swing, it won’t be long before you begin to see an improvement in your game.

About the Author

For more information on golf strength training articles, visit the golf exercises site at Perform Better Golf.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Mike Schlacter

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For more information on golf strength training articles, visit the golf exercises site at Perform Better Golf.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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