Basic Exercises For Back Pain

January 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Bang L.

Back pain can be a very discomforting and even painful experience. This is why it is very important that you take the necessary steps to treat it and even avoid getting back pain in the first place. In order to help you with this matter, here are some basic exercises that can help improve your back muscles and guarantee that the chances of getting the pain in your back is going to be minimized. If you follow the exercises outlined in this article, you will be able to definitely avoid getting back pain due to very strong back muscles. Here are some basic exercises for back pain.

Sit-ups – this exercise is not only used to develop abdominal muscles and achieve the popularly aspired for “six pack”. Sit-ups are also able to improve the back muscles. This is because the muscles required to perform a proper sit-up includes both the abdominal and back muscles. These muscles are also the same muscles that strengthens ones core. Sit-ups strengthens the core of you body which in turn, properly and safely supports your back. This means that with regular sit-ups, you can be able to avoid various popular causes of back pain.

Back stretches – aside from weak muscles, back pain is also caused by over strained or over extended muscles. Over stretching makes your muscles strain too much to the point that it can reach maximum elasticity and cause pain. If you are about to perform any strenuous activity, you need to make sure that you stretch your back properly. In order to do this, you need to perform proper back stretching exercises like the back flexion stretch, side stretch, back extension McKenzie and the TFL stretches.

Weighted back exercises – this is a very effective way to really strengthen your back muscles. The weight that you add in your exercises can make your back muscles stronger after regularly exercising with them. The most popular weight equipment to use in weighted back exercises are dumbbells because they are very convenient. With dumbbells, you can do exercises like dumbbell rows, dumbbell pullovers, reverse flies and lateral raises. Aside from dumbbells, you can also use barbells as well as elastic bands as part of your exercises.

These are just some of the examples of exercises for back pain that you can incorporate in your daily exercise regimen in order to strengthen your back and avoid getting back pain. In order to do this properly, you need to see to it that you gradually ease into it by first doing a few repetitions and a few sets and then slowly adding more as you become more adept and stronger. You need to make sure that you do not overwork yourself with these exercises as it might cause back pain for you. This is something that you are avoiding in the first place.

Bang L. is the creator of “Back Pain Alleviation“, a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men and women to relieve they’re back pain. Learn how you can cure your back pain woes by simple remedies by visiting: Back Pain Alleviation

upper back exercises

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Here are the best ways to train your back at home with dumbbells. You can’t neglect training the upper back because it is one of the hot zones of fat burning in your body. Since there is so much muscle mass found in your upper back, you can really burn a lot of calories by training that area. However, a lot of people have problems training that area at home because they dont have access to a chin-up bar or an adjustable bar where they can do inverted bodyweight rows lying on the ground. So, this leaves us with a bench, dumbbells, and a ball. Fortunately, there are still quite a few different exercises we can do that will add variation to our workouts and help us enjoy them a lot more. The first exercise is the Dumbbell Pullover and it is going to train your abs, chest, and your lats. This exercise is a classic Arnold Era exercise. However, it is important to be conservative when performing this one, as you can really injure yourself if you try to do too much weight. There are a couple of different ways to do this exercise. One way is to do it lying regularly on a bench. Hold the dumbbell over your chest with a slight bend in your arms, and lowering the DB back over your head. You will begin to feel a stretch and using your lats, pull the DB back up over your chest. As the DB gets closer to your chest, then the chest muscles begin to do most of the work. An alternative method of performing the DB Pullover is lying
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