Be Cool In Powerlifting

May 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Praveen

Be Cool In Powerlifting – Sports – Extreme Sports

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It can be hard to create new powerlifting workouts. But if you want to improve your 3 lift total you need a few key core workouts.. While there are a lot of different variations to the following powerlifting workouts I recommend using these as your core training and then adding in the variable workouts to them such as bands, chains, and boards.

1. Don’t lose sight of the critical thing in a competition: Your lift totals from the bench press, deadlift, and squat.

Don’t forget that if you want to get stronger in the totals you have to work out doing the three lifts. It is not enough to simply say that “To Deadlift more I must to work out my legs.” You need to actually do chest exercises in the bench press form to be able to build those stabelizer muscles that pertain to bench pressing.

2. Use accessory items in your powerlifting that are helpful for training.

You can often find bands, boards, and chains in a corner or closet of your gym. However if you are thinking that you have never heard of using them in your powerlifting workouts before its probably because you are working out in a general gym. If you are unable to find these accessories then you should either buy them yourself or join a powerlifting gym.

3. Where to get variant accessories.

Ironically, before you decide to purchase some of these items first look in to making them yourself. Board training boards are easy to make for yourself using some 3 inch screws and a couple of 2×4’s. Pick up some chains from any local hardware store. The only other accessory you may have to buy are bands, and the leading manufacturer of bands is a company called Jump Stretch.

4. Train in your competition gear.

Get comfortable using your bench shirt, squat suit, and deadlift briefs in your powerlifting workouts. It can often take training in multiple types of plys and wearing through 3 or four shirts to get one that you feel comfortable with. It is often that failure to train in their gear will lead to missed lifts. That is why people will blame their gear when really it is their own fault for not being properly prepared. By using gear effectively your can really boost your 3 lift total.

5. Always be learning about new powerlifting workouts

There will always be a gym out there doing new things to improve their totals. While you can go and learn how to do what they are doing it can also benefit you to read past articles from PowerliftingUSA or from Louie Simmons. Past articles from long standing record holders will help to teach you tried and true methods that will take your training to the next level

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