Become A Powerlifter With Louie’s Equipments

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

A celebrated powerlifter like Louie Simmons needs no introduction. His vast knowledge about how to produce strength is the result of his 27 years of experience in various powerlifting organizations. Apart from being the only lifter above 50 years to squat 920 and a total of 2100, Louie is one of the powerlifters to total Elite in 5 weight classes. There is only five other powerlifters who accomplished the task.

Just like his powerlifting achievements, Louies dynamic training methods and lifting techniques are well appreciated amongst the lifters. In fact his training methods and knowledge have helped to create 25 World and National Champions so far. Butch Reynolds, the World Record holder of the 400-meter dash, also followed Louies training methods. In addition, the powerlifting training methods of Louie Simmons have helped to create 27 powerlifters who have totaled more than 2000 pounds, twenty-eight 800 lb plus squatters, thirty-three 550 lb benchers, eighteen 600 lb benchers, ten 900 lb plus squatters and five 700 lb benchers till date.

Simmons, through his legendary Westside Barbell, advocates the use of the conjugate method. This powerlifting method is loosely based on the conjugate parallel system, which was recommended by a number of strength coaches of the former Soviet Union. Westside Barbells training week includes four sessions per week. In the first two sessions the main focus is on the upper body work. Bench press is mainly used to work on upper body. While working on the lower body, which is included in the other two sessions, squat and deadlift are the primary focus. Box squats are used with lighter loads and fast speed.

The following are some of the special equipments used by Louie Simmons:

Belt Squat Machine: A real Louie original, Belt Squat Machine allows the lifter to get a full squat exercise for legs and glute area. Better yet, you dont have to put a bar on your back. There are weight pegs where you need to load plates and step onto the platform. You will find a supplied squat belt to hook the cable. The belt can be exchanged for other attachments as well; and this multipurpose machine can also be used to do pull-through simply by attaching a pair of web handle. For deep grip pulls, V-grip can be used and for curls, row and tricep extensions attach a single hand grip.

Zercher Harness: Zerchers squat, where you need to hold the bar in the crook of the arms, is the dynamic training method followed by many powerlifters. Louies Zercher Harness comes with two adjustments that gives the bar front squat availability. While doing a Zercher squat you need to lift the bar in your elbows and try to go as low as possible. You can either low your bar unit it is on your knees or you can lower it over your knees. Again, go as low as possible and then drop your hips low to stretch your lower back and stand up.

WheelFarrow: Louie named this machine after its designer Tom Farrow. You can do a number of exercises with the help of a wheelfarrow, including rows facing, military presses, pulls, standard pushes, static holds and grip work, and bench presses.

Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of

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