Before And Today’s Marine Equipment

May 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

The most efficient navigational instruments today were not available for the earliest and first seafarers and travelers before. Simple and traditional tools like a marine’s astrolabe, quadrants, chronometer, and magnetic compass are the only ones available during that time. Cosmic heavenly bodies are also used to determine current location and destination. With the unpredictable and varying weather conditions at sea, navigation is not always very easy. Imagine how man used to travel by ship or boat without the highly reliable tools. Accidents must have been a frequent occurrence during that time.

With advancements in maritime technology and government’s efforts in reducing the number of accidents per year, marine navigation continues to develop for the better. Ships and boats owners and operators are required by law to follow safety guidelines, mandatory training, equipment requirements and operational standards.

Also, manufacturers are constantly coming up with latest marine tools and electronics that can enhance navigation, security and safety. The following are some of the latest types of equipment used today.

GPS marine An alternative to traditional tools is a marine GPS which is an electronic device that makes use of satellite signals to quickly determine exact location on the grid. No need to do manual plotting of location when you can conveniently and easily refer to a device that can accurately provide your current location on the map.

Multi-Functional Display Some multi-functional displays incorporate sensors, weather receivers, radars, GPS, chart plotters into one device. Maps, charts and various nautical information such as speed and weather conditions can be provided. It can serve as a centralized panel that can do all sorts of functions to provide best user experience. One can also rely on this tool to increase situational awareness and safety.

Tool for Finding Fish You can use a fish finding device to turn fishing into a quick, productive and efficient method. People can know if the water is abundant in fish life or not with this device. Fishermen can improve their process of fish finding and increase their production.

Today, mariners are very fortunate that there are many navigational instruments and marine equipment that can be useful and beneficial to their personal or business sea travel. More manageable operation and control of the boat help increase safety and security of every passenger.

For more manageable operation and control of the boat help increase safety and security of every passenger, maritime information and navigational instruments are now available check out

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