Beginner Weight Training for Weight Loss

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Robert Lyon

Beginner Weight Training for Weight Loss

Content Copyrighted

Robert Lyon

BA Human Movement, MAAESS

In the quest for weight loss, many novice exercisers fall into the trap of thinking “cardio cardio cardio” without even considering the benefits of resistance training as a weight loss aid. It frustrates me when I hear the same old phrases thrown around again and again. As I always love to do – let me debunk the biggest resistance training myth and show you how weight training can work for you!

“I don’t want to lift weights – It will make me too big and bulky”

Women – put your hand up if you have said this or thought this in the past. Those who haven’t put your hand up yet – I think you’re not telling the truth!

From a physiological perspective, females are not designed to gain a lot of muscle mass due to hormonal reasons, as well as the simple fact that females have less testosterone available in their bodies when compared to men. Not saying that you won’t be able to gain muscle, but an appropriately designed progressive resistance program will ensure you a fit and toned body.

“But why would I even want to gain any muscle?”

Quite simply, the more muscle mass you have, the more fat you will burn. Why? An increase in lean muscle mass will increase your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). An increase in BMR will increase the amount of calories burnt throughout the day. Think of this – you could be burning fat while sitting around doing nothing!

Any shift in your metabolic rate increases the efficiency of your body. An efficient body burns more fat by properly utilizing its effective calorie stores for good, rather than bad!

Think of your body as a furnace. Then think of your muscular body as a white-hot furnace. Add the calories consumed from food and drink as fuel for the furnace. Which flame will burn the fuel the quickest?

“Ok, Ok, I understand now. But how do i start?”

The easiest way to begin a weight training program is to think of your own body as a weight. Bodyweight exercises are some of the MOST EFFECTIVE exercises to perform, as they use the largest muscle groups in the body, whilst also developing balance, stability and co-ordination. As an added bonus – the lighter and stronger you get – the easier they become (What a great compromise!!).

Bodyweight exercises use the large muscle groups in the body, such as the thighs, butt, chest and back. The larger the muscle group, the more muscle fibres you use. The more muscle fibres you use, The more muscle you build!

Great beginner bodyweight exercises include squats, lunges, dips, push-ups on the knees and simple abdominal crunches. They might be hard at first, but with some persistence and good old fashioned hard work WILL see the improvements!

It is a great idea to get a registered fitness professional to devise an appropriate resistance training program – as they can progress the program to ensure that you keep reaching your goals! If you would like more information on my fitness coaching services, please email

Until next time, stay strong and live well!

Rob Lyon

Robert Lyon is a qualified exercise physiologist residing in Sydney, Australia. He is currently available for online customised fitness programming and personal training. See for more information and take that first step today!

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